
Um..isn't that like saying "I'm not for black kids in white schools, but I support the verdict of Brown vs . the Board of Education"?

The "suspicion" has laser eyes and mind-control.

This guy, I think I might like this guy. His humor reminds me of a very dark Steven Wright.

Thank god there aren't enough trailers from the tv show Game of the Thrones with enough material to incorporate into one of these abominations…

Are any of those the pudgy guy who's not a main character on Mitchel and Webb Look who's also in a bunch of brit comedy stuff? Cuz if not, yea…don't forget about that guy..

Plus Mr. Bighead from Rocko's Modern Life as the voice of Dr. Doom!

The 90's x-men had some great plots straight out of the comics and really nailed a lot of things right: prof x's and magneto's dynamic history, savage land stuff, apocalypse, smart beast, sentinels, dark future timelines, etc.

Was the Puppet Master horror franchise made for adults, and if so- why wasn't it on this list? As I recall killer puppets fight Nazis in one of the sequels…so there is that…

Add me to the chorus of positive feedback. It wasn't the best book I read that year, but I thought it was a fun sci-fi nerdy plot that was thoroughly entertaining to read.

According to Wikipedia this movie parodies/references 17 films/shows…only 8 of which are actual scary movies. Could they at least get the genre appropriate ratio right? I mean, I get it, they suck, but still…it's like so little thought goes into these movies that the writers just forget which one they're working on

Fall Out Boy's Dance Dance- right before the chorus, kinda surprised that I'm the first to mention it…although perhaps others will be equally surprised that someone mentioned FOB….

Everybody stop talking about Krang! Nobody wants to hear about Krang!

Can't speak to the unknown causes to the physical phenomena , but here's a good explanation of random gibberish emails- http://www.spamalert.org/ar…

I wasn't claiming that there was an argument that docs need to be more entertaining- I was simply pointing out another recent bit of film philosophy I came across recently that left me miffed.

A couple weeks ago I heard David Chen of the /Filmcast defending his view that all movies should seek to entertain, and the non-entertaining ones- that's how you know they're bad. I didn't think I would come across a  film opinion that I so vehemently disagreed with until I read this article… Anyhoo, I usually enjoy

i don't want avclub to ever follow youtube or redit trends, but sometimes i really wish i could vote down comments here.

…..and is that a bad thing?

A plastic bag and a book on S.I.D.S….wtf, Cheryl?!

A plastic bag and a book on S.I.D.S….wtf, Cheryl?!

Not horrible from a moral standpoint, but I can't stand celebs spouting Bilderberg Group conspiracy theories… it's just the conspiracy theory for people who want to seem smarter than those who buy into the more main-stream conspiracy theories (9/11, kennedy assassination, moon landing). it's essentially the conspiracy