
Seriously, you missed out. Fish heads and bones are what made a delicious fish stock, same as in meat stews. You don't have to eat it, just the edible parts. Still, if you're squeamish i can imagine it being upsetting to have your dinner stare you down.

Seriously, you missed out. Fish heads and bones are what made a delicious fish stock, same as in meat stews. You don't have to eat it, just the edible parts. Still, if you're squeamish i can imagine it being upsetting to have your dinner stare you down.

That's Verse Chorus Verse. Several solid versions out the, especially on With The Lights Out.

That's Verse Chorus Verse. Several solid versions out the, especially on With The Lights Out.

-1 for improper use of presently

-1 for improper use of presently

Bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

Bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

Fuck yeah, I'd forgotten some of those. It was a massive Romero homage, so if it had any ham-fisted political messages, I suppose one can guess where they came from. It delved fairly deeply into the post-apocalypse scenario though, far more deeply than any other long-running zombie literature has

Fuck yeah, I'd forgotten some of those. It was a massive Romero homage, so if it had any ham-fisted political messages, I suppose one can guess where they came from. It delved fairly deeply into the post-apocalypse scenario though, far more deeply than any other long-running zombie literature has



Lincoln monument has people ask it advice jokes?

Lincoln monument has people ask it advice jokes?

Seriously though, the first wave of attacks where there's an attack in a busy street (I read it ages ago, details are scarce) had the gore-hound section of my brain in awe. It's a shame Kind doesn't do shlock any more. I'd love another 'Salems lot-type short horror novel

Seriously though, the first wave of attacks where there's an attack in a busy street (I read it ages ago, details are scarce) had the gore-hound section of my brain in awe. It's a shame Kind doesn't do shlock any more. I'd love another 'Salems lot-type short horror novel

"That War and Peace guy? 1200 pages and nary a dog's ear to be found. Fuck that commie bastard and his interwoven, multi-layered plots"

"That War and Peace guy? 1200 pages and nary a dog's ear to be found. Fuck that commie bastard and his interwoven, multi-layered plots"

