Action Jackson

Charles Widmore has been suspiciously absent this season. Maybe he's the one who is coming to the island?

I assumed the band David was listening to was Driveshaft. It'd fit with everything in alterna-Lost being connected, although it may go against his more refined tastes.

Had to drive to the Atlanta show from Columbus after the show here sold out in about 3 minutes. Car broke down on the way.

Next up: Inherent Vice
Pynchon's latest, Inherent Vice, comes out August 4, just in time for inclusion as the next selection. People seem to be clamoring for a Pynchon fix, and that would be an interesting choice since it'll be new material from a "familiar" face.

If we're going with Roth, I suggest Sabbath's Theater or Operation Shylock. I've been meaning to read both.

Fine choice, I read it after No Country for Old Men got me hooked on McCarthy. It is by no means an easy read, though, so I'd recommend starting soon.

Also reminded me of Arrested Development.

Seems like he knew Oceanic 815 was going to crash and he was looking into all the people that would be on it beforehand….probably for his "list".

I remember hearing that the writers only told Jack how the series would end, I doubt they'd do that if he weren't going to make it to the end.

Adam and Eve
Is it possible that we'll find out who the skeletons from the beginning of season 1 are, with the time travel probably wrapping up next week?

The look between Locke and Ben right after Locke recalls being killed.