Explosion Boy

Heh, I also call it that.

Homer 10, Terrorists 8.

Watching The Tick the other day I thought "Kurt Fuller would make a good Random Roles." And here it is.

I smell ham. You guys don't deliver turkey?

I would welcome any and all love for The Micallef P(r)ogram(me).

She's undecided.

Yeah, but there is no right or wrong.

They Might Be Giants got lost, driving around.
Also they were The Replacements. And The Mesopotamians. Busy lads really.

Thanks to The Flash, we'll get Gorilla Grodd at some point. And once talking apes have been established as a thing that can exist, we're a step closer to Detective Chimp and The Question driving around in a van solving mysteries.

I assume he's watching the Rifftrax version. Because that's what I would do. And I am a shrewd customer. Allegedly.

Muppets did it!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Europe who?
No, you're a poo.

People say that? I'm a man, have never experienced any kind of abuse, and still firmly believe that rape is abhorrent, and easily one of the worst things one person can do to another.

Perth is awesome. So now you all know that. Carry on.


It's because unfortunately none of them last. Of the New 52 launch titles I most enjoyed those different concepts - Animal Man, Demon Knights, Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE, OMAC, Resurrection Man and Swamp Thing, to name a few. Of those, only Swamp Thing will make it to issue 30. Shame really.

I've been on a tear recently picking up figures for my collection. There's a few sellers on ebay with tons of them at really decent prices. I think my prize is Booster Gold. It's a shame there's no Ted Kord Beetle figure in the Bruce Timm style.

I was saying Boo-urns.

Damn straight. Jack of All Trades doesn't get anywhere near as much love as it deserves.

I'd like to see him survive miraculously, only to be offed in the sequel-establishing post-credits coda.