Explosion Boy

Mysterious Ways was a pretty awesome show. Maybe they're getting around to remembering it. Or is it still just me?

"It’s a thrill to see John DiMaggio’s two signature characters sharing a scene." Aquaman would like a word with you. That word is probably "OUTRAGEOUS!"

A fellow Booster Gold fan? Awesome! I was unaware there were others.


Sharknadone: And We's Gonna Did It Again!

If by hold up you mean still terrible, then yes, absolutely!

And they have to raise a child together? Shenanigans ensue!

It's a bit like a less-funny Micallef Programme.

Yes. The comic book based on that show was called The Batman Strikes! though.


Nuts. I was hoping for some kind of condiment.

What the hell is an Eve 6?

The Micallef P(r)ogram(me). And Newstopia. And his current Mad as Hell. It's a shame no one in Australia, let alone the rest of the world, appreciates the man's undeniable genius.

What if they hire Harmon to bring back Firefly? That could be interesting.

It's The A.V. Club - I'm mostly here for the puns.

I also would enjoy that very much. By which I mean "Make it happen, Internet!"

Hey, another Perthling! Awesome!

"Are you watching closely?"

It was the last song they played here in Australia recently. I found it appropriate.

Woman wonders "Who's your itchy friend?"
Woman says "I thought he was with you"
Woman says "I thought he was with you"
They slowly back away from him
At best he's very interesting
His brushes with success were just an accident
No one likes New Hampshire Man