
I'd love it if they would put out a re-mixed version of Justice that didn't squelch the bass so hard.  Those are great songs but they would sound a lot better with more bottom end.

"the hot, slurry whisper of a college sophomore excitedly reporting back to her annoyed roommate"

"the hot, slurry whisper of a college sophomore excitedly reporting back to her annoyed roommate"

The only Jesu I know is the song they put out on the Metal Swim compilation a few years back, but I quite liked it.  I'd be totally down with a couple Jesu CDs.

The only Jesu I know is the song they put out on the Metal Swim compilation a few years back, but I quite liked it.  I'd be totally down with a couple Jesu CDs.

They're offering a 30CD "grab box" for $100.00.  Even if most of the CDs are obscure crap I wouldn't have ordered on my own, that's a pretty good deal.  I shelled out.  (Hope I get some Botch in there.)

They're offering a 30CD "grab box" for $100.00.  Even if most of the CDs are obscure crap I wouldn't have ordered on my own, that's a pretty good deal.  I shelled out.  (Hope I get some Botch in there.)

It's a great scene.  I'm partial to The Thin Red Line, myself.  When Sean Penn asks the grave "where's your spark now?" or we see the montage of the Japanese soldiers dying set to Charles Ives's "The Unanswered Question"… it's gut-punching.

It's a great scene.  I'm partial to The Thin Red Line, myself.  When Sean Penn asks the grave "where's your spark now?" or we see the montage of the Japanese soldiers dying set to Charles Ives's "The Unanswered Question"… it's gut-punching.

Man the search function really does suck.  Try searching for the article they did where they wrote up every movie in the Friday the 13th series.  You put in "Friday The 13th" and there are seven pages of results… none of which are the most relevant article they ever wrote on the subject.

Man the search function really does suck.  Try searching for the article they did where they wrote up every movie in the Friday the 13th series.  You put in "Friday The 13th" and there are seven pages of results… none of which are the most relevant article they ever wrote on the subject.

I love "The Adventures of Greggery Peccary."  Like most Zappa songs, it doesn't know how to end at all, but what a hilarious little story.

I love "The Adventures of Greggery Peccary."  Like most Zappa songs, it doesn't know how to end at all, but what a hilarious little story.

"The Necromancer" is such a lost classic.  It's on Rush's most-dismissed album, and the lyrics are pure 70's-prog hokeyness, but man the guitar on that song sounds soooo good.  It's up there with Shine On You Crazy Diamond in terms of 70's guitar sound excellence, IMO.

"The Necromancer" is such a lost classic.  It's on Rush's most-dismissed album, and the lyrics are pure 70's-prog hokeyness, but man the guitar on that song sounds soooo good.  It's up there with Shine On You Crazy Diamond in terms of 70's guitar sound excellence, IMO.

Interesting.  My recollection of that column - which admittedly dates back to when I read it in, I dunno, 1993 - is that it ended with him singing "I can't get noooo… satis, faction…"  But your link ends with "I'll just hum."  I wonder if the notoriously bitchy and litigious Rolling Stones made some sort of claim

Interesting.  My recollection of that column - which admittedly dates back to when I read it in, I dunno, 1993 - is that it ended with him singing "I can't get noooo… satis, faction…"  But your link ends with "I'll just hum."  I wonder if the notoriously bitchy and litigious Rolling Stones made some sort of claim

Where is there a second-run theater in NYC?

Where is there a second-run theater in NYC?

Sarah Collins, at the risk of outing my family as the elitist, ascot-wearing, East Coast liberal scum we are, what does it mean to "play bags"?