
I think the most impressive part of his performance is that I didn't want to punch him in the face while watching it.

Yeah, that's about how I felt as well.

That line played so much better in the book, when it was description instead of dialogue (not to mention the four other people also in the Machine).

This week I watched The Big Short, Contact and Love and Mercy.

This week I watched Focus, Spotlight, Heaven Can Wait and That Thing You Do!.

His singing is also really top-notch, and has recently evolved from imitation into trying to find his own spin on American Songbook rep.

This week I watched Crash, Murmur of the Heart, and The Force Awakens.

I doubt many will see it, but I thought I'd throw out a couple anyway:

What about "Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day"? To me, that's much worse that "…and so all else above".

I reckon it's a winner, with a small caveat. The actual tune is terrific, but the interlude annoys me a bit ("Your skin is like milk" isn't a good enough compliment to justify an entire section devoted to it).

"It Needs Work" is one of my favourite songs. The lyrics are fun and clever, if maybe a bit mealy, and I love the way Coleman and orchestrator Billy Byers play with the vamp.

Part of the problem is how neatly the final version of Hail to the Chief leads into the reprise of Everybody's Got the Right. Something Just Broke ruins the cadence point - though I agree it is a fairly good song.

This week I watched An Affair to Remember, There's Always Tomorrow and Explorers.

This week, I watched Tomorrowland. I liked it, though I thought the ending was a bit preachy and it was generally front-loaded. Brad Bird has an unerring eye for how to compose a shot, and there was a real sense of movement through the first 30-40 minutes. Frankly, I thought dropping the voice-over and the sense of

I was a pretty off-key singer as a kid, but as I went through high school and university music my pitch sense improved a lot and now I'm mostly in tune.

This week I watched Impromptu, Life with Judy Garland: Me and my Shadows, Mannequin, One Touch of Venus and Eat Drink Man Woman.

This week I watched Kramer vs. Kramer and Bridge of Spies. I really liked both.

It sounds great on guitar, too.

Yeah, the opening number cracked me up.

This week, I watched The Lost Weekend, Death Becomes Her and Eight Men Out.