Failed Firstie

You Know
I always thought Felicity was Abrams' best work…

This show…
ran out of compelling stories to tell in the first season.

Seriously, no one has ever used that word in real conversation. Where the fuck did you come across that word? It's definitely not in any thesaurus I've ever seen. Not even tendentious - it'd be one thing if it was a neat word that rolled off the tongue, but that thing is wonky to even pronounce.

Tired of the 'sell out' discussion
First, everyone knows indie record stores are screwed anyway, one Pearl Jam CD isn't going to break them for good. I'm sure they'll be happy to sell the used copies, which is how they make money.

more like
Simon First, amiright!

There's no way I'm not going to be the first to get some of Oprah's free Chicken! Also, double negatives blow!

letter grades
are never the first thing I look at when considering whether or not to attend a particular movie. I will say that I agree with the commenter in that I do rely on the A.V. Club for deciding whether or not to see a movie and often disagree with the write-up before I see the movie, but at least the

oh god no… why double post, why…

man oh man
Have I asked myself this question a number of times. I think the first was when Genesis released "We Can't Dance." Of it, Roger Waters later said "what is that shit 'I Can't Dance?' Well you certainly can't write music either!"

oh man
Have I asked myself this question so many times. The first time was when Genesis released "We Can't Dance." Rogers Waters said of it later: "What is that shit I Can't Dance? Well you certainly can't write music now, can you?!"

This show's not bad
I remember when it first started airing and my roommate would watch, I thought it, being on CBS, was terrible and refused. Then I met one of the guys at Cat & Fiddle on Sunset and he was a nice dude, so I started watching.

I gotta tell you
I don't care if this show lives or dies. I definitely won't be the first in line to write a letter or go to Subway or whatevers.

This show
was once good. They've seriously run out of stories to tell. It's boring and not all that funny any more. Their first mistake was getting Pam & Jim together.

Michael Cera will have…
ample time to show off his one face of acting this summer in two movies he's got coming out, this and Year One w/Jack Black. I wonder which of them comes out first? I wonder which will do more to make me hate him more. And by the way, fuck Arrested Development.

I saw an ad for this biopic about the former first lady's family and it looks terrible. The bad northeastern accents alone could devour a miniseries' worth of scenery…

I DVR Heroes every week and come here to read the review to find out if I should watch it or DELETE it.

the gawker guys…
got started doing defamer.com, that was their first project. I miss defamer dearly and look forward to this new venture.

this one time at band camp
These guys played. i thought they were a Journey cover band. In other words, it was great.

niiice one brah

Oh man
This was the first Robin Hood movie I saw but not the best - that would be Men in Tights for reals.