Black Vorta

And all previous Bond's have dark hair and eyes except Craig, so really we would be getting back to form if Elba was cast.

I'm arguing for more roles and opportunities for more people some of whom may look a lot like me. Why are you so concerned with arguing for fewer? Why do you believe that is fair? What is lost by changing the role? I never stated that this should be a zero-sum game. Do you think it is? If so, why. I would be happy to

Are you not on the yahoo group?

I do have to admit, that I've found this guy to be a reasonably skilled an entertaining troll. The way they started out fairly innocent (if ignorant) then slowly started moving the goalposts to then citing an "obvious" SJW agenda to then outright calling us homophobic, sophistic racists is paced in a way that I just

And that fake Carribean Island in Live and Let Die

Look, I like the counterarguments in this thread, but one of the biggest traits of Bond is how little of a fuck he cares about his secret identity. There has literally never been a Bond villain in the films who did not know who he was immediately. Craig's Bond even lampshades this in Casino Royale when he vetoes

But a great fucking Soviet submarine captain (until he defects).

This is a false equivalence. How many times have you ever seen a white actor get a part specifically portraying a non-white character versus the reverse. I'll save you the googling: the reverse almost never happens. That's why people are pissed. There are few roles to begin with for persons of color and those roles

Right. The original conception of Bond (at least in film as I haven't read the books) contains quite a few threads about White Male British supremacy in the wake of the decline of the Empire and the rise of the progressive movements of that time (I would argue Doctor Who is much the same). By 1981ish- near the time of

that's wacyst. and a weird coincidence as I'm eating a 4 piece combo right now.

what @avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus won't tell you is that this was like a week ago.

You'd think an industry that has 120+ years of experience telling often fantastical tales like The Wizard of OZ, James Bond, and LOTR would have learned that beginnings are not the most interesting parts of stories and that audiences can and will buy a lot of nonsense if your product is remotely coherent, internally

MCU Stark is a lot of things but he isn't a bad friend and the Banner/Stark friendship is practically OTP. I would guess that Hank Pym would be the guy to take Reeds place. The Ant-man movie showed that he has a good deal of antipathy towards the destructive tendencies of the Avengers.

Chicago has a thin version which is often totally unfoldable and has a crispy crust. It's also pretty much what you get if you're a local since deep dish takes forever to make and is more expensive (and is just a casserole).

That is true if they follow the formula of the last two films. The problem with the Hulk films- and I actually genuinely enjoyed both of them- is that it's 2+ hours of watching a guy try not to turn into the Hulk, and succeed for most of the runtime which could work but isn't what most people paid for. Planet

I'm surprised to hear he has any problem with colored people.

between Star Wars and Phase 3 alone, Disney is poised to make dozens of billions of dollars in profit an ambitious and expensive Hulk movie wouldn't necessarily be a bad risk to take.

The Archmage of The Aether?

Oh I wanna be absolutely clear that I agree that "Mexico is sending us their rapists and murderers" is deeply racially coded language and the fact that it's speaker is widely supported over his competition and not challenged every time he opens his mouth is very worrisome to me. I'm just trying to break down why this