Black Vorta

That method gives you a barometer of sorts for measuring the regressive attitudes of whomever you are talking with but isn't necessarily a way of convincing people, especially masses of people, that there is even a problem with injustice. To pick apart your example:

The hard work is showing how ugly a lot of it is and separating legitimate criticism from the whining of immature scolds with impossible standards.

I don't think there is immediate or even smooth progress either. But on average, it absolutely is getting better. Now it wouldn't necessarily take much to go the other direction and end up in The Handmaid's Tale. Just as an example: the conversations that we're having give me hope. I've been on the net for nearly 2

there was a post somewhere on here that basically said that MLK and that generation had the dubious benefit of easily televised brutality. When the majority of the population is segregated and the injustice is covert but beneficial to even the least fortunate members of the entrenched power structure it is far easier

He sounds like he really loves 40 degree days.

Frank Miller now works at SNL?

with Robert Vaughn as Q! and Jamie Murray as Moneypenny! and Robert Glennister as Blofeld!

He also became Chancellor of the Klingon High Council for about 10 minutes.

that's because Chef was an unseen character and Phlox was not a codependent know-it-all.

Well, Worf is still Worf.

I always placed it as either Oklahoman or Texan but canon is that the character is a Floridian. As I (possibly mis)understand the story, the character was originally an Okie so Trinneer learned that accent then the producers changed it at the last minute for some unknown reason that never really affected the story but

Everyone in that administration seems like they'd be fantastic bosses but I'm not sure I'd want to spend that much time with so many people that obsessed with Gilbert and Sullivan.

and dweeb

Didn't Stan book an actual vacation with them in season 2?

Of the TNG senior staff I'd only pick Crusher and Geordie since they seemed to be good mentors to their subordinates and are the most friendly without being creepy.

I've met Egyptians and Sudanese who also insisted that their countries weren't in Africa. But I'm pretty sure that that was a stigma thing rather than a geography thing since they were well aware of their native country's neighbors.

Where is Delaware, Mary? End of Maryland
Vermont looks like a V
New Hampshire looks like an H

It never occurred to me that some people might find Cognitive Behavior
Therapy that stimulating. Not sure what's so bad and dangerous about challenging thought distortions though.

besides Damien Darhk's H.I.V…..E.? who is rumored to be the focus of this season?

Go to the book signing event in Ice Cube cosplay: