Black Vorta

Is that not how the movie ends?

I still pronounce it as Burn-Steen.Well actually as Bern-Steen but you get the point.

There is a car dealership chain in the DC metro owned by the Koons family. Like most car dealerships, every license-plate frame on every car sold has the family/company name emblazoned on it. I owned one of these cars and drove around Chicagoland for years before someone pointed out how weird that was. Also I am

I thought The General was Wade Eiling's code name. But I'm not sure what the point would be of either not having him be played by Clancy Brown or connecting the CW shows at all as the article suggests. So maybe it is someone else like Zod or Obsure Comic Book Character #A3384?

He didn't exactly say no to worms in hair.

I'd hope common courtesy would prevent most people from fucking random things mentioned in the staff handbook.

The cat studied at Oxford on scholarship.

So, who's your shop for beef?

They are super tasty. Italian beef I'm sure I can make on my own with patience if I ever get a serious craving, but I have no idea how the jibarito shops flatten the plantains and I'm not sure I'd be able to get the sauces right. The other stuff I'd be sure to miss is the encased meats places like Hot Doug's (RIP)

You never got into jibaritos? I'll definitely miss those when I leave.

well, Jack Reacher can hold his breath for 12 minutes so no biggie.

Oddly enough, I think the best way to have visualized the Borg was in this years "Avengers: Age of Ultron". In that movie, Ultron was nigh infinitely adaptable and there was no single "Queen" to kill. Scenes would cut from bot to bot mid conversation to illustrate that they were all Ultron. This would be an upgrade

Insurrection was an ok ep of the show; it was filmed 2 years prior and called "Homeward". It introduced Worf's other brother. It's also Magnificent Seven in spaaaaace so add the money printer name of Star Trek and it's obvious how it got greenlit.

He could lead the heavily armed Culinary ship, The Snackdown. The correct hailing protocol would be to raise a single eyebrow.

Have you seen "The Wrath of Khan" in the original Klingon? You might just change your mind.

Well, Combs should be cast in everything. This goes without saying.

A revisit of "I, Borg", but where it actually, you know, works, is definitely what I was thinking. I agree that killing the Borg is certainly a reasonable thing to do but it's not really in line with Federation ideals… unless you're an Admiral.

As @coconutphone:disqus pointed out, the Queen exists to have a single visual antagonist to interact with and this ironically makes it much easier to defeat the Borg in the classic Trek way of having a talk but her cartoon supervillain characterization opened the door to turn the Trek series into a superhero franchise