Black Vorta

The Borg as originally introduced is more like a force of nature and it's not hard to imagine how they're desire to grow emerged naturally from each individuals desire to survive and improve themselves. If you can buy the argument that they are a dark satire of us then a good example would be something like Walmart


Do you think the Rock could've saved TV Trek if they had made him a permanent cast member instead of a guest star?

Interesting that you say there is no real life analog. I remember reading a while back that the Borg represented capitalistic globalization. They are Starbucks, McDonalds, and pop music rolled into one. They are the blandest and most soul sucking parts of the West taking the best parts of all cultures and using that

Where's the fun in that?


No. His role was neither graphic nor calculating.

An old, cranky recluse teaches the considerably younger thief of his technologically advanced supersuit how to become a hero of his generation.

Which is how they did it in The Invisible Man TV show.

And except for the kiss scene, they seemed to frame her as being pretty tall which I thought was interesting.

I literally was hoping that was case when falcon showed up. It would be something the heroes could have had in common.

Yeah I was a bit confused by that too. I thought Cross just manufactured slightly different versions of his formula and was looking for one that didn't turn things into Jell-o. I assumed that because that's what real labs do, but this isn't really stated in the text at all from my recollection.

Any reference to the non cinema stuff would make me squee.

Pretty much agreed except I think Gonzales had totally made his bed with his insistence on tagging and monitoring and then comparing "scars" while knowing the full context of what Hydra did to Jaiying. I'm way more bitter about the waste of Lucy muthfuckin' Lawless.

fair enough. I didn't remember her handling PR and a PR person wouldn't normally be so involved in the R&D except in movies of course.

I suppose that is a good point that is true to life, but any kind of reference to really any of the events in the previous films would have gone a long way to building the world.

The thing that really bugged me (hohoho) is that Lang's thieving skills didn't matter for the final plan at all.

from what I remember, Scott didn't come up with the infiltration plan at all except for the plumbing part. The plan looked like it was all Hope and Hank.

I thought her presence during the Cross particle experiments and invitation to work on the Wasp mark II implied that she rolled deep in the super science.