Jack Strawb

What's weird about Mike?

Brad's ridiculous hat is comic genius.

Agreed. The show went wildly wrong in making Axl absurdly abusive beginning at the end of season three, especially to Sue. The writers only appear to have figured it out with the episode where Sue torches Axl's jersey and so far that reset is going well.

With more time to focus on feelings I think kids often impute to adults an emotional acuity they don't possess. It isn't until the sheer self absorption of their middle teens that some start to outgrow this.

"As I discussed below Brick's story, if it's to be be taken serious,
struck me as rather intense and more dramatic than I think this show
usually goes. I'm not sure if we are to take his conversation serious
and that he talks to them about toothpaste means maybe we're not."

"You know, I don't think fake giggling while being tickled counts as a sin."

"gym couch"?

I wasn't sure I had heard that correctly.

Odd. I enjoy a good sex joke, but MF doesn't go there often. Even better, it doesn't leer and snigger very often. Given how crass even network TV is it's difficult to imagine anyone objecting to Modern Family on the basis of sexual humor. In fact, by being almost religiously inexplicit, Modern Family is much funnier

Only in the US could someone write as though unions had not functionally disappeared.

Yup. Even Sue's "I just love America" doesn't come across as political. It would be interesting, though, to see the character in twenty years. Does she have the brains to steer left, or is she going to fall in with the "Benghazi!!" crowd?

Axl's pussy-begging is another unflattering aspect of his shallow character. This is about as hysterical as Heaton can get and still keep Frankie at least somewhat entertaining as opposed to repulsive (for that, see season 6's "Pam Freakin' Staggs").

He also tossed off his preference for one top over the other like an experienced, even jaded fashionista.

"Eden Sher delivered another Emmy-worthy performance this episode, but
the tour de force was probably her facial expressions in the wake of
Derrick kissing her on his doorstep and then closing the door. Watching
her run through the gamut of emotions in regards to how she felt about
the kiss, finally ending with the

Not this one. This was the first holiday episode The Middle failed on, and it failed badly. Axl's rank abusiveness which only highlights the actors limited range was completely inapt for a Christmas show. Very unpleasant, almost start to finish.

Axl's noxiousness has made the show almost unwatchable. His viciousness, unwarranted vanity, and thoroughgoing stupidity is completely out of place in a family comedy. In addition, for the script to let him get away with this, Frankie has to let herself be walked on and, worse, Mike is sidelined, a passive observer to

"Full of menace"?

"…but unless she felt threatened I don't get this idea that that is sexual assault."

"Sexual assault"?

Was that the gag where he keeled over in the kitchen after his Halloween sugar high wore off? While he was partly hidden behind the counter I was surprised at the fall. Seemed risky for the actor, but he pulled it off well, seeming to keel over without trying to brake his fall.