shocked i tell you

Who's Ted Bundy?

I'm stealing that line, it's much more entertaining than a death stare/pretending you didn't hear the comment.

Eh, maybe. I live on the east coast and my friends and I say it all the time, hell, I even refer to myself as a chick occasionally and I'm in my early thirties.

Holy shit, yeah, that's the worst. I was coming home from a funeral a couple months ago, some guy told me to smile and I flipped out on him. He tried to play it off like it was jut joke, but he was clearly flustered. How dare women not exist just as objects and actually have lives that may or may not reflect how their

All the damn time. I have resting serious face (as in I could be thinking about something really stupid but it'd look like I'm considering the human condition) and men have told me to smile since I was a kid. I've yet to meet another woman who hasn't had that experience. It's annoying when that's how your face falls,

This is pretty much how I saw it, too. However, I was 10 and didn't know anything about sports, so I had no idea who OJ was and didn't know what what the big deal was. To this day I wonder who the killer was on Burke's Law.