Avatar Avenger

Just watched repulsion again and it is a clear ancestor to Black Swan. Both films traffic in skewed world views and aren't upfront about the causes of their subjects psychosis beyond what the audience intimates. I agree with Craig that the lack of explanation makes the mental illness depicted in these films much more

I'm gonna…

yep the world is my oyster all right. Ain't nothing break my stride. Nobody goin to slow me down oh no I got to keep on moving.
Your math doesn't check out cause I'm going to die or grow old.

ba ha I was born in 85 bro. Means you'll die before I do is all.

You should also remind him that this boy mediclorine levels are almost double that of Yoda's.

Coming soon the Ghost in the Machine Starring Keisha and Jonah Hill as the ghost in the machine.

I hate bieber. But he's right about yankees.

how will you know whose cast in the forthcoming remake of Oz from the director of spiderman. What about when Bret Ratner remakes the Godfather with Chris Tucker as Vito and Jackie Chan as Michael with james Caan as James Caan.

The idea of Mila Kunis using her evil magic to do with me whatever she likes scares the hell out of me.

I've seen twenty minutes of it. Enough to get the gist. From the director of Deliverance, Excalibur, and Exorcist 2: The Heretic comes…this fucking movie. There's a floating head or something and a speedo clad connery wanders into it. It does work on multiple levels all at once.

I think you just invented a new law of physics.

You too sarCCAstro? you're judas man.

@ rastaJ
not really, he a dick! and he suck em! mmm dick

that's cause sloppy recognizes talent when he sees it.

not that I know of but there damn well should be. He goes after that fucker of a whale for eating his dad right in front of him.

all valid questions. A: I was saying I was the only one who isn't a dick faced douchebag. That phrase in and of itself offers many quanderies. If a douchebag has a face can it be dick faced? What is a dick face? B: I feel somewhat like a dick faced douchebag after fastandsloppy's post-yes he put stuff into a clearer

malfunctioning eddie gets it.

I don't get why you guys are always have such animosity towards me. I'm trying to fit in with yall.

an admirable attempt but again you fail.

@missing the irony
Well this entire site is populated by dick faced douchebags (as evidenced by clony and sloppy) who base their entire sense of self worth and self satisfaction on their clever yet baseless, snarky comments. For them their identity is inextricably linked to their avatars (like jake sulley!) and any