Avatar Avenger

Cause you're a loser

ha ha hahaha. Oh wait, that wasn't funny at all

Webster's defines circle jerk as : the avclub comment section.

Fast and Sloppy's been talking about his wife for years. As well he should, any lady that can give gummers as good as his wife can deserves to be bragged about.

hmmm…I wonder why wouldn't aronofsky want to spend a year in Japan? It couldn't be the exploding nuclear reactors, it must be about his kids.


I just made you my bitch just now.

well for starters you can learn how to write in the english language.
Next you can not be a pathetic fuck.
Yeah dragon ball didn't use journey to the west as its template. retard.
So then gaimen using the same source material as dragon ball is not a valid comparison because…you're an internet troll douchebag.

p.s. …..titty fuck

@ Caballero
You seem like the kind of guy who wouldn't know how to pull off a titty fuck

Everyone forgets that Journey to the west is what DRAGON BALL! is based on. I love gaimen, jimmy cameron, and del toro. When I read this news my pants instantaneously filled with white foam a la the SecureFoam in demolition man.

@Donald Caballero

let's every one face the facts that this film sucks and so does the director. He smacks of a dude who watched 2001 and the only thing he gleamed from it was "nifty visuals make a great film". He's a fucking dimwit. Irreversible amounts to rape and revenge are bad things. I truly don't get the point of having an

also fuck the mpaa; I believe snuff porno should be shown at every theatre in North America without a bunch of puritan assholes telling you what's moral and immoral.

fuck this news. What the hell do you have to have to get a movie made? Tom cruise and Avatar's James Cameron aren't big enough players? I know sanctum didn't make bank but that's cause it sucked.

Staying Alive: The Fighter 2; rocky 7

This is perfect. Brolin won't even have to have any makeup done on him.

I rewatched a couple episodes of the original thundercats recently; fuck is that shit ever whacky. Practically nothing in it makes sense

those piece of shit comments got posted but not mine? the people who run this site are cretins.

Another triumph for artistic integrity brought to you by your friends at the Weinstein company