Brohan Cruyff

Yeah, considering that only like three (maybe four, depending on your taste) of the ten non-reboot movies were any good, I'm with you on this.

I really hope he's not going to end up on the Biogenesis list.

Wasn't this the theme to Star Trek: The Motion Picture?

Yeah, I have to say the specific acting choice to make the sound she made was great. That really stuck with me.

everyone should, really.

I wish I'd gotten here before it was flagged, I hate not knowing what could get this kind of reaction.

For some reason I thought Worf.

They're actually doing another one, I think. There was an ad for something involving him when I saw The Master, but I'm pretty sure I blacked out when I heard his voice, so I don't really know what he was selling.

They're actually doing another one, I think. There was an ad for something involving him when I saw The Master, but I'm pretty sure I blacked out when I heard his voice, so I don't really know what he was selling.

Six seasons and a movie!

Wait, Alexander Rozhenko is in a punk band now? WHAT A COUNTRY!

Wait, Bill Maher's one of *those*? Ugh.