
Kind of reminds me of SimAnt

I didn't realize at first you were talking about a game system. The last time I heard the name Ravenloft, it was a D&D module; a tough one if I remember right. If you're used to just one RPG I highly recommend trying out other systems now and then, even if they suck. Not looking at every situation in terms of one

My friends and I used to have an ongoing game development based on what we liked from all the different systems we'd played, and in almost every version I would try to adapt the basic premise of White Plume Mountain. It always involved Keraptis hijacking something of value (artifacts, prize falcons, Marco Polo) and

You might be forgetting that 4 Non Blondes existed, and I would like to apologize for reminding you.

I believe he prefers to be called "Gaz."

Caught a glimpse of James Marsters Torchwood guest dude in the mug shots..

You forgot Celebrity Knitters, which I would definitely watch.

It's never too soon for a rampaging man-shark.

War of the Superbikes by the Meatmen.

A Leatherman for each hand would have been quite useful.

What I like about Mars attacks is that the aliens do not give a fuck. They are like high-tech but mildly retarded assholes with guns and their only apparent motivation for invading the Earth is that it's fun.

Big Fish is my favorite, and it's the one that Burton fans complain isn't Tim Burton enough. I'm curious to know if you disliked Beetlejuice when it came out, or if Burton's uncontrollable urge to crank out more of That Tim Burton Feeling (thanks Barton Fink) has spoiled it for you.

Cabin in the Woods is like a Penn and Teller routine, where they show you the con as they're doing the magic, but they still indulge in the usual spectacle and misdirection. For me it fell more on the fun side than the gimmicky side, and it has a lot of great moments. I can see how if I didn't like Whedon's style in

I'll admit I haven't put a lot of work into finding more to like in Trent Reznor's discography, but Head Like a Hole is the only song of his that I've liked without reservation. I'm sure we have a few favorite albums in common, but I mostly associate him with angst and baggage. Musically I prefer his influences to

Whoa there, Jonathan Rhys Meyers was great in Velvet Goldmine.

Brooklyn is my grandfather coming home from WWII in his army uniform, and an old Italian guy saying,
"You Herbie?"
"You no cry no more?"
Grow up all you want, Brooklyn never forgets.

I think MD might have watched it a bad mood or something, because there's plenty to like, not least Waltz's character who gets funnier the more you think about him. The only real problem for me was the woman (the only woman far as I recall) who is never real in spite of having a bunch of screen time.

ditto Velvet Goldmine

I fucking love that quilt.

Finally, Someone who understands the point of being rich and famous.