
It could be worse. One of my oldest friends goes off her meds and gets on the Internet ranting about Jews and accusing everyone of rape. You get points for the mopping-up operation; we don't see that very often.

It's more efficient.

I know, why am I always late to the flame war?

Yeah that stuff worked better if you didn't think about it too much. Last I heard, a lioness fails to kill about 40 (or was it 60) percent of the time. African hunting dogs are the champs with a shared 80% success rate. But the episode eventually makes clear our Doctor is using Doctor logic rather than logic logic,

Uh oh, I rated this episode Dinosaur+ in my review.

That thing about everything looping back to Clara again is my only real critisism for this episode, as I think he does it too often. Otherwise, it was a relief to see a moffet episode that wasn't characterized by indulgence and excess. Also no promised land; not that I'm against that plotline yet, but the episode is

Also my first Roky Erickson experience.

The only one I found thoughtfully expressed was the Robyn Hitchcock one.

Send more cops!

I'd just like to point out that black is not traditionally associated with death in Japan. That would be white, the color of bones. Having said that, the idea of a Japanese goth burger sounds awesome.

I won't say they rocked as hard but they were a hell of a lot more fun than most of your 70's rock gods, and much weirder. They weren't afraid to record something that radio would never touch, and even their radio-ready songs are peppered with nonsense and goofiness.

I thought I remembered that as Don't Stop Me Now.

Even by radio-play standards their range is vast, but most of their albums will also reward you with stuff that's too weird for radio.

I always imagine Nabin's theme would be something incongruously hard.

Also, you need to be wresting in broken glass. That's a thing right?

I always tried to maintain a sense of detachment from the entire proceeding while playing sports, so I'd go with O Seu Olhar by Arnaldo Antunes. It makes me feel like I am existing on multiple levels at once, and some of them don't matter.
(It's not really 7 minutes; they just ran it twice)

Possibly my earliest movie villain memory.

Kind of understandable though for a backup singer at a loud live show who can't hear her own voice. A lead singer can always listen to what's blasting out of the PA system, so it takes a special stubbornness not to notice how you sound.

Faz sentido por causa de DOME!

I will never understand why everyone loves Archie. Even as a kid I had no patience for it, yet I read interviews with some of the weirdest comics artists out there, and they invariably list Archie as a prime influence. Maybe I'm just not reading it right.