
I'm VERY happy to see "The Apostle" and "The Sweet Hereafter" here. I can't believe that Ian Holm was even nominated for an oscar. He is amazing. It's too bad that Robert Duvall lost. It's rare that any film has even a decent understanding or portrayal of Christianity. Time to fire up the ole DVD player tonight!

Anytime a colleague hears this blaring from a classroom, they know it's me. I think it's great you kids like classical music, this work is FORTY-NINE years old. The voice is a Pentecostal street preacher, Brother Walter. I always tell my kids that if they REALLY want to shock the neighbors, play this at full volume

I love Drama because it's so weird compared to the rest of the catalog (in a good way).  I think the others are solid, but non-essential.  "Release, Release" was only performed a few times live because it exhausted the band.  Avoid Keys to Ascension, Open Your Eyes and all subsequent albums before Fly From Here.^__^

I love Drama because it's so weird compared to the rest of the catalog (in a good way).  I think the others are solid, but non-essential.  "Release, Release" was only performed a few times live because it exhausted the band.  Avoid Keys to Ascension, Open Your Eyes and all subsequent albums before Fly From Here.^__^

I'm a composer, and I'm very glad to see this reported in the AV Club.  My good friend was somewhat close to Carter, he taught a seminar in his music back in the 70s at UC Santa Barbara.  His String Quartets are tough to get through but very rewarding once you understand what he's doing.  Plus, they track his growth

I'm a composer, and I'm very glad to see this reported in the AV Club.  My good friend was somewhat close to Carter, he taught a seminar in his music back in the 70s at UC Santa Barbara.  His String Quartets are tough to get through but very rewarding once you understand what he's doing.  Plus, they track his growth

I agree, I had a two way tie for greatest film of the year in 1997, The Apostle and The Sweet Hereafter.  I really can't say which one is better since their purposes are radically different, and they both radically achieve on every level.  Plus, as a Christian, I thought that Hollywood would never be able to get a

I agree, I had a two way tie for greatest film of the year in 1997, The Apostle and The Sweet Hereafter.  I really can't say which one is better since their purposes are radically different, and they both radically achieve on every level.  Plus, as a Christian, I thought that Hollywood would never be able to get a

The first segment, "Magnetic Rose" was written (but not directed) by Satoshi Kon.  I agree, it's the strongest of the trilogy.

The first segment, "Magnetic Rose" was written (but not directed) by Satoshi Kon.  I agree, it's the strongest of the trilogy.

I love Porco Rosso because it's so unlike Miyazaki's other works.  How many films are out there that have a pilot whose been turned into a pig acting as a mercenary over the Adriatic Sea while romancing a chanteuse all at the same time?  Plus, I love the ambiguous ending (which only seems as such in the Japanese

I love Porco Rosso because it's so unlike Miyazaki's other works.  How many films are out there that have a pilot whose been turned into a pig acting as a mercenary over the Adriatic Sea while romancing a chanteuse all at the same time?  Plus, I love the ambiguous ending (which only seems as such in the Japanese

I agree!  My friends told me to check them out, I bought two studio albums, liked them well enough, BUT "Alive 2007" blew me away!  One of my top ten live albums of all time.  I liked it so much that I've used it in the music lessons I teach in my 5th grade son's class.  An SDC class pounding away on their tubanos to

sarcCastro, in addition to what everyone mentioned, check out Kon's segment "Magnetic Rose" from "Memories." He didn't direct it, but he did write it and you can see the nacent genius in it.

Kon-san is my favorite anime director and one of my favorite directors of all time. His works have the wonderful quality of staying with you long after you've seen them. I remember when Perfect Blue was released, he was compared to Hitchcock which I think is fair. Although his career wasn't as long as Hitch's, I

I was ok with Lampkin and Fat Apollo, but any time I knew that Ellen Tigh was going to be on, I immediately lowered my expectations. She was such an annoying character, but she was good during the occupation portion of the show. Her being the last cylon? Meh.

My parents took me to see "Arthur" when I was 13. I was astounded by John Gielgud's performance, and realized that the reason I didn't like seeing Burt Reynolds films with my father was because they were crap. At that point I decided to begin seeing "canon" films as much as possible. Now my parents think I'm