
it's a sad era when bill maher is considered within the same category as Cornel West and Noam Chomsky.

Maybe this is my Ethnic Studies training coming in, but don't y'all think the reason Jermaine won  was because Chris and Tony split the white teen vote?  Leaving it to come down to celeb-backed (eg Alicia Keys) Jermaine vs. a virtually unknown 'alt' woman?

Jules (I'll call her that too!) is definitely not known for being a "reserved" singer though.

This article does a great job of elaborating, through 1600 or so words the familiar post-civil rights era reactionary mantra of "reverse racism."  What is most frustrating for people of color—especially those interested in critically examining pop culture, media, and the mainstream public sphere—is the manner in which

it's a burger, for your ass.

Nathan Rabin just let the terrorists win.

Rather than Community being a show that "doesn't know what kind of show it wants to be" perhaps it is a show that can't be pinned down into the same genres that you name above.  For this reason, Community plays in the margins of all these different categories that viewers (and producers/writers/networks) place sitcoms

I ran into him at the airport a couple years back and he was taller than I thought, so I'd say he's definitely 5'10"