J. Pilkington Worthington

solid adult pop
Rearrange Us is like a mimosa: orange juice tartness and the champagne fizz of middle-age regret.

The Descent, up until the creepy critters appear, is perhaps the most claustrophobic experience on film. Even more stifling than Das Boot. And twice as sexy fun.

A film that blinds a child in its opening sequence is a film any gutter-loving cineaste can enjoy.

@helmet head, I pity your childhood.

Nothing. Eastern Promises is superior in every way.

All Hail Netflix
Mail, set top, or instant viewing. Nothing better.

Suspect Zero
Not even Gandhi gets a pass for this one.

Dang it, willem, did you have to come in here without knocking?

Not Another Stoner Movie
The world has seen enough.

actual quote…
From Paul Verhoeven, in the commentary to Total Recall, after Ahnold has just begun boffing Sharon Stone, and the camera cuts away:

another quality double feature
"High and Low" followed by Joon-ho Bong's "Memories of Murder."

interesting final phrase
"…a chameleon who changes colors just enough to keep himself interested."

'nother list possibility
Radically different films that share a title. I'll start: Buster Keaton's "The General" versus Brendan Gleeson's "The General."

this is punk?
I'd have thought it was something… different.

What this thread needs…
…is a little George M. Cohan. Now there's some non-ironic patriotizin' worth singin'.

"Pistachio Disguisey."
That is all.

Where's the love gone?
Nothing but hate for Shyamalan.
That's not the trumpet of the dawn,
It's the honk of a singing swan.

that inimitable faith-killing voice
My Christian parents owned one Larry Norman album. Between "He's the Rock that Doesn't Roll" and "Unidentified Flying Object," I was well prepared for a transition into atheism.

What's "cable?"

Shit, the shit, whatever.