
I don't know if there has been anything called a "breakout hit" that has had less influence on culture as a whole since Sean Paul. This is literally preaching to the converted.

Thank you. Her notoriety seems to be predicated mostly on a dare by a couple record company execs to see if they could get a person with absolutely no talent, nothing to say, and no personality beyond doing everything possible to irritate people to not only become famous, but to get some less intelligent people to

what the… huh?
oh, the possibilities… potemkin is a good one, but i swear if i have to sit through birth of a nation one more time, i will puke blood. not only is it horribly, butt squirmingly, embarrasingly racist, it's freaking boring AND , i believe 11 hours long… which means i've spent more time watching birth

sheryl crow? sheryl fucking crow? i HATE that 1st record. the only reason i have heard it is she was opening for one of my favorite bands on that tour and i saw them 3 times. by the last time i wanted to cack her in the head w/a bottle…sounded like whiny eagles fronted by a woman on the toilet. awful.

hank was right…as always
seriously, when will certain people get in their heads that suggesting that there are problems with something that could be made better does not mean that you HATE that thing. henry put it BRILLIANTLY in his answer, which then got equated to 'spitting' on his country by one of these very