ich bin ein douchebage

I'm always surprised
when a one-hit wonder pops up several decades later still playing music. I have to give it to the guy for still continuing on and it seems like some of you have definitely become cult fans. This would be a good Gateway to Geekery. Where is a good place to jump into his oeuvre? I only know his hit

Seriously? You had to post this twice? Lame.

Oh, Boy!
Where to go with this one. I totally thought this was a different comedian name Louie…the one who had a cartoon. I didn't expect this … the only words I can think of to describe it are as blue as the 'comedy' within the show, and homie don't play that! When I could understand that English fellow, I didn't

No! It's *my* snake, I trained it, I'm going to eat it! I got a recipe for snake. Delicious. Fricassee of reptile…but it will blow me first.

Has anyone heard his side of the story?
Maybe she is actually not a nice person. I'm not saying she deserves this kind of treatment (who but Amy Carter does?), but we are talking about Braveheart here…and Road Warrior…and the guy who nailed Jesus H. Christ to the cross. I have a hard time believing he'd say those

This is a long interview and I couldn't read it all.
But the part about Leno really got to me. I wish everyone would give it a rest. Leno is really funny and he didn't ask to make millions of dollars. His comedy hits the heart of the majority's comic sensibility and we should respect him for that. I don't know who

That Michael
When will he ever learn?!? I hope they let him become a good manager before he leaves. He is a sweetheart at the core and deserves to hookup with that cutie, Holly. They seems so compatible, like they were meant for each other.

No kidding, guy. Why wouldn't they do the Twitter movie first? Everybody knows Twitter and I could see Sandra Bullock playing a sweetheart…maybe she gets stalked or something and Matthew McConaughey could save her. I'd spend $30 on that!

This would be great
as long as it isn't about clicking buttons, which is what makes Mafia Wars so annoying sometimes. I can barely stand to level up some times because of all the clicking. Its like, they know what I want. Why can't I have express a "Spend all Energy on jobs" button.

Rule 15 is you don't talk about rule 15.

My new girlfriend and I saw it at an afternoon showing because we were too poor to go to the later movies. No one else attended. I was giddy with glee from start to finish, but kept it to myself because my girlfriend didn't seem to like it. Afterwards, she turned to me and said "I think I just watched the best movie

Its more like "Cawl Perkinsa"

I didn't care for Coffee & Cigarettes, otherwise, kudos for all his films, especially Mystery Train and Dead Man.

What's the point? It will only encourage you to continue. In any case, your statement is pleasing to me, so good job.

Was the sub white? If so, then its the one I see every weekend from my lanai. I wouldn't say it is so much an attraction as it is a what-else-you-gonna-do-stuck-in-this-lazy-town kind of thing.

Don't you mean, "What the fuck you talking about, Willis?" Because that would be something from "Different Strokes: Compton" or it could also be Darryl talking Bruce Willis guest starring as himself on "The Office"

DMB is a band I listen to regularly and consider an essential part of my collection. I do quite a bit of live production and they are incredibly well-produced. I find that if I can reproduce their sound without any glaring frequency problems, the sound system is going to work pretty good. Then I can't turn that

I'm hoping it is a mummified hooker corpse that Hurley killed because that would really take his character in a new direction.

EVERYTHING a guy does is to impress some object of affection somewhere…except masterbate. That's when we've given up and decided we want to watch the Blackhawks in 5 minutes.

Look, the victim was asking for it, only wearing black leather bikini briefs and a tube top, just like the shotgun likes. The victim has to take some responsibility…