BISP man

Are You Crazy
Tyler Perry knows how to portray white people in his movies. In fact I would be hard pressedto find a director who is better at creating realistic 3 dimensional white characters. Perry really gets to the crux of what it is like to be a white person in america in the 21st century.

cover art
Whats with the cover art? The wierd condesending chip up look and the baby? On the plus side he has solved that whole whispy thin pussy persona he had in the Smiths. He looks ripped now.

Fucking cowboys
Dear god how many people simple cannot stand the dallas cowboys.

Simpsons Gimmick
I love the simpsons so and if HD can keep the jackals at bay for another couple years I am all for it.

Such a sham
Letterman's people booked Phoenix knowing full well of his bizarre behavior and appearance, I have a strong feeling this is all contrived.

Isla Fisher
SHE IS MARRIED to Sasha Baron Cohen, that guy has got his shit together.

But banks are easy to destroy
this movie is far less timely than you think. 6 months ago I would have believed it. but now banks dont seem that hard to stop or even that compentantly run. The bank in this movie, must have not had to many subprime morgages on the book.

Entertainment crimes agaisnt humanity
One time a friend of mine from Australia was ripping me apart about cheesy americans that I should apoligize for. She came to Ryan Seacrest, and thats where I made my defense. I insisted he was canadian, and refused to budge. Even though I knew well and good he was not canuckish

How can you hate a fro like that
How can you not love Gene with that afro? Seeing this makes me think of that episode of family guy where the family gets superpowers and peter's superpower is the ability to transform into anyone. And he uses the power to get a lock of Justin Timberlake's hair, kisses him and turns

Russell Crowe called and he is pissed you are stealing his act.
What a titantic asshole even for Hollywood standards. That is so childish, I almost half wished he would of attacked the guy, and been arrested and then denied a visa to reenter the country in the future.

One reason people hate celebrities
I really hate it when actors (or athelets, singers,) try to cross into a new medium. It is such an arrogant thing, and what is worst and so infuriating is that clearly their break is coming because they are famous and otherwise Shaq would never get to be in a few terrible movies or

Get rid of the whole thing
I have always hated the oscars and seen them has one big collective self-given pat on the back. It seems to me to be such a slap in the face of the average american. Not only are They going to throw a giant party for themselves where they will congralute themselves, they wont let any

Why is Hollywood so stupid
Why try and rehash gimmicks that didnt work when they were originally introduced. If Hollywood wants to get viewers back in the seats they need to start making good films again. Not overly market tested crap which tries to appeal to as many people as possible. Hollywood needs to

Dazed and Confused
The only half-way decent thing Mconaughy has ever been in.

Thetans are addicting
I wonder if the church of scientology makes more money than Nestle?

thats the most annoying thing to you, on the whole trainwreck that is the Today Show? For me the poor grammar and syntax of the show are really part of the supporting cast of mediocrity, and the stars well that could take up a lot of space.