
Nah, it's more or less the fact that I'm completely bald, wear glasses and have a goatee.  Pretty sure I'm a hat away from a pretty convincing Halloween costume…

I think it's gotta, or its at least got to play into the next episode.  That whole flashback was supposed to illuminate how far they have all sunk, and how innocently it all started (from Walt rehearsing his little white lie, Jesse's swordplay, to Skyler's excitement over a $9 profit).  The only thing that doesn't fit

true, good point, climate is probably not a good indicator.  I would still think there may be some tiny clues either in script or set that let you piece together the timing…

Yeah, I've thought about that as well.  This may involve me pretty much completely re-watching season 5a for indications of any sort of temporal checkpoints.  I still can't believe he could make that much money that fast, so perhaps they were cooking in the fumigated homes for quite a while…

That was my first guess.

Yeah, that definitely crossed my mind.  But then I realized that Walt made 80 mil in like, a matter of months.  If they could just have a human slave do it for them, they'd have billions in no time.  Greed knows no bounds.

I'm not 100% versed in the effects of ricin on the human body, but I'm pretty sure no sane person would use it to commit suicide… it's not cyanide.  I'm pretty sure you crap your brains out and have violent seizures.  If Walt intends to off himself, he'd be much more likely to just put a bullet in his own head.

I actually look a tad like Heisenberg IRL, and I have an 18 month old daughter who looks a good deal like Holly.  Can I just say that this episode FREAKED ME OUT.

Holly was born roughly 3 or 4 months after Walt turned 50.  When Skyler was reporting the Amber Alert to the cops, she said Holly was 18 months.  This would mean that the time that elapsed(will elapse) between the end of this episode and when Walt comes back in the flash forward is roughly 2 or 3 months.

http://goo.gl/maps/Ii48O  The centerpoint is the true spot of those coordinates, and the square is the area that would register on a GPS as those coordinates.

Yup, stopped at seconds.  There isn't any level of greater precision other than using decimal places for the seconds.  Integer seconds, especially when you're closer to the equator, still leave a lot of wiggle room.

Yeah, obviously I wouldn't want to watch that.  But BB is no stranger to using some high speed cinematography to convey a longer timelapse.  e.g. zoom out, show the shadows move as they poke around and eventually uncover all 7 barrels.  The 85' x 105' square that the coordinates at that precision level make certainly

The gun is for the nazis and Jesse, the ricin is for Marie.  Marie has always wanted Walt dead (the only family member who encouraged Walt not to seek treatment for his cancer, then tells him to kill himself a couple episodes back).  Now she's fueled by grief and rage and a need to avenge Hank's death.  She has also

Not to be that guy, but I was kind of bothered by how easy it was for Jack's crew to find the money.  If the precision of your coordates are the nearest round number in seconds, the margin of error is roughly 50 feet in any direction.  Seemed a tad implausible.