
-I found it funny that nobody questioned why Sookie didn't report the dead body when she discovered it.
-The opening scene reminded me why I shell out money for premium channels.
-True Blood writers, I don't need extensive flashbacks to figure out that the girl was a parallel to Sookie. Thanks.
-Addendum: This episode

"Oh, There is the Center of the Solar System"

I doubt that Looking's scope would go beyond the perspectives of the core three characters - Dom, Paddy, and Thou Who Shall Remain Nameless and Scorned upon.

I think Richie and Frank should get their own episode, and it would be called "Looking for Better Boyfriends."

I think if a wild Randy suddenly materialized out of my window, I wouldn't scream out of fear. I would scream out of joy and gratitude.

This comment and your username is the genesis of a beautiful friendship.

Hey, but Phil is now getting the episode titles correct. Next season, he'll be able to concisely identify who the central protagonists are.

Let's discuss (or silently observe from the shadows…) Teen Wolf!
-You can add galvanize to the Teen Wolf-approved SAT words.
-Gay-baiting of the Week: The scene with Isaac and Scott (surprise, surprise) in the hallways. I don't think Isaac was kidding when he concurred with Scott's "hot girl" status.
-Danny, my

Rosa's eye rolls rival (and maybe supersede) Liz Lemon's eye rolls.

*blows off accumulated dust on AV Club account*

This may be headcanon, but I'm pretty sure all that brown muck on Bob isn't mud.

I have an unhealthy relationship with that guy's Twitter page. And too much time on my hands.


-I liked Scott's evolution from lovable doofus into a source of intimidation, highlighted by his parting words with Gerard.
-Those kids playing Paige and Young Derek actually looked like proper teenagers. So good, that Scott and Allison could've been their parents.
-The ghost of Jackson Whittemore is strong in Young

Was anyone else reminded of the Walking Dead opening theme song by the violin background music in some of scenes?

I like how this episode used several callbacks to benchmark how our heroes have grown.

When will anyone on television learn to log out of their online accounts?

See "eternal virgin" point.

Brian Buckner - sorry, I should've made that explicit.

True Blood has such a vast multitude of characters, two were bound to look the same.