
What a sad, utter twat you are.

It was an actual place — a pre-Civil War (Spanish/French era, I'm guessing) fort long ago abandoned and swallowed up by the earth.

I haven't read the comments, but has anyone already pointed out that 12 Years A Slave is basically little more than schlocky left-wing torture-porn? I mean, other than (*sigh*) Armond White?

Never been to Louisiana, I see.

"The Unnatural" is ALL ABOUT the final scene with Mulder and Scully at the batting cage…just one of my single favorite scenes in the entire run of The X-Files

"The Unnatural" is ALL ABOUT the final scene with Mulder and Scully at the batting cage…just one of my single favorite scenes in the entire run of The X-Files

It's a great episode, but later on this season Gilligan et al. actually pull off an even more exhilarating piece of mindfuckery with "Field Trip."  THAT one is my favorite X-Files episode of all time, I've concluded — because it combines the cleverness of episodes like "Monday" with the deeper exploration of Mulder &

It's a great episode, but later on this season Gilligan et al. actually pull off an even more exhilarating piece of mindfuckery with "Field Trip."  THAT one is my favorite X-Files episode of all time, I've concluded — because it combines the cleverness of episodes like "Monday" with the deeper exploration of Mulder &

Craddock Marine Bank is also the bank from which 1.8 million dollars is heisted in the Season 7 episode "The Amazing Maleeni."  Another Gilligan script, natch.

Craddock Marine Bank is also the bank from which 1.8 million dollars is heisted in the Season 7 episode "The Amazing Maleeni."  Another Gilligan script, natch.

In response to Prankster (why oh why does the ability to 'reply' to posts only run two sub-tiers deep?), I consider "Arcadia" to be little more than stunt-casting: oh hey, look!  It's Mulder and Scully! Posing as a yuppie married couple!  What a clever conceit!

In response to Prankster (why oh why does the ability to 'reply' to posts only run two sub-tiers deep?), I consider "Arcadia" to be little more than stunt-casting: oh hey, look!  It's Mulder and Scully! Posing as a yuppie married couple!  What a clever conceit!

I like to think it's because of the ineffable je ne sais quois and joi de vivre I bring to the comments.

I like to think it's because of the ineffable je ne sais quois and joi de vivre I bring to the comments.

I'm going to have to go back and watch it again (I just checked the AV Club's review of it and was surprised to find that they gave it a — to me, incomprehensible — A rating), but I recall it being kitschy and forced, and, worst of all, BORING.   A 'gimmick' episode where the gimmick fell horribly flat.

I'm going to have to go back and watch it again (I just checked the AV Club's review of it and was surprised to find that they gave it a — to me, incomprehensible — A rating), but I recall it being kitschy and forced, and, worst of all, BORING.   A 'gimmick' episode where the gimmick fell horribly flat.

No question that the Doggett/Reyes match-up was far less compelling than the Doggett/Scully dynamic, but the lack of Mulder's presence — or rather his presence only as a 'missing center' — actually proved extremely effective in Season 8 (especially episodes like "Patience," "Roadrunners," "Via Negativa," "Invocation,"

No question that the Doggett/Reyes match-up was far less compelling than the Doggett/Scully dynamic, but the lack of Mulder's presence — or rather his presence only as a 'missing center' — actually proved extremely effective in Season 8 (especially episodes like "Patience," "Roadrunners," "Via Negativa," "Invocation,"

Okay kids, any Millenium fans here?  I know there are 2.5 season's worth of reviews here on the AV Club — and I've grazed through several of them — but still, help a brother out here: as someone who has encyclopedic knowledge & love for The X-Files but whose only experience of Millenium comes from the S7 XF episode

Okay kids, any Millenium fans here?  I know there are 2.5 season's worth of reviews here on the AV Club — and I've grazed through several of them — but still, help a brother out here: as someone who has encyclopedic knowledge & love for The X-Files but whose only experience of Millenium comes from the S7 XF episode