Did I miss a post about why all these writers are leaving?? O'Neals staying right? If not, I no longer have any use for this place
Did I miss a post about why all these writers are leaving?? O'Neals staying right? If not, I no longer have any use for this place
Wrong kid died!
We heard this and you should, too
Wolf Parade's "Apologies to the Queen Mary"
1)You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son
2)Modern World
Its the best side of Krug followed by the best side of Boeckner. Fucking awesome.
SO Did her mom one up her sister or not?!
Disappear Always-Wild Nothing
Disappear Always-Wild Nothing
And also William Joel is there…
And also William Joel is there…
Sounds more like a case of Dawetism to me
Sounds more like a case of Dawetism to me
Captain Giggles flagged that guy for questioning Dawes and should I too?
Captain Giggles flagged that guy for questioning Dawes and should I too?
Ok, Ill bite: The connection being?
Ok, Ill bite: The connection being?
"Marimba and Shit Drums" is that song you mentioned with the "Carribean-like" percussion. I rather like "Sunset Face" as a band name too.
"Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect" and "Shiny" ya'll
"Welcome to Laurel Canyon. Can be combative!" -Al Dawesengen