
I don't know, I think if you're confident you won't cheat again (you were young, drunk, and alone for a long time) and are actually taking steps to not be in that position again (by not drinking when you're apart, etc) then telling the person is for your own piece of mind and not in their best interest.

AWFULNESS EVERYWHERE. I actually gasped when Catelyn's throat was cut.

I need that audio on my phone so I can just play it to people who piss me off. No way I can pull if off the way JLD does.

LOVED 'no touching'

Annika Bengzton: CRIME REPORTER.

I feel like Alison allowing Aynesley to be strangled is going to create some interesting dynamics next season. She has to keep herself completely convinced that Aynesley was her monitor, even in the face of possibly suspicious Donny-behavior, because if she was wrong that means she let her best friend die.

I was honestly just staring at the screen, lost in thought well after my husband changed it to the Miami/Indiana game… what a great finale!

He certainly did nothing to deserve torture, but I felt that after the first few episodes he was clearly made out to be the uncaring, fat-slob, checked-out husband. I saw it as: she did everything in the relationship for years, and his greatest sin was basically being kinda worthless. Again, not enough to warrant

what about last week's "Sorry to be a BITCH, but…"

every time I see that (the faux-enhancing) I think of the scene from Super Troopers: Enchance! (random typing) Enhance! (random typing) Enhance! (random typing)

I drove a green chrysler town & country that was about 10 years old, and the back sliding door was held closed with a bungee cord (until it stopped opening all together and everyone had to climb through the front) and all my friends thought I was ballin because I was the only one with a license and a vehicle.

I think a lot of men would be shocked (and disgusted) by what average women deal with over their lives. During one conversation in a large group of guys and girls in college all but one of the girls in the group had been roofied (myself included) but luckily all got home with friends. The guys were horrified and

In the wide shot of everyone dancing he was a solid head taller than the entire crowd, and he wasn't even standing up straight.

That expression was pure gold, baby! GOLD!

I'm sure it's legal in general, but if you've ever tried to enter standard DC buildings-of-importance (anything political, museums, etc) then you'll know that you basically go through TSA. I'm sure the Veep's aides don't have the same security line, but carrying around a knife is just going to be a pain in the ass.

Mike wanting the cake was an absolute highlight, but I also loved the moment where Selena asked about how 'Meyer the Liar' got dragged back up and he said (something along the lines of) "some IDIOT probably thought of it out of nowhere…"

Yeah, that moment when Kira pulls back the curtain and Helena's face comes into view (even though obviously that's who was out there) was just so well done. And then of course Helena's hug and release of Kira…


Yeah I was thrown by how sure Dennis seemed to be in the review. It wasn't really clear to me one way or the other if she was the watcher.

and where the women do nothing! Hurrah for the future where ladies get stomped on and mad at their dads and boyfriends! We've come so far! Woooooooo!!
*Flashes tits*
*dies to give someone something to be angry about*