
we're not intervening him for a lack of good ideas.

It totally looked like Robin was going to defend her curry choice but 3 or 4 words in it dawned on her who she was talking to, and slowly turned her defense into "well, actually, I think that… um… yeah you're right."

I just find it distracting that she's always damp. or at least her hair is.

I'm a biker, and I think that biking and driving are pretty similar. You hate whoever isn't doing what you are (if you're driving you hate pedestrians and cyclists, if you're walking, you hate cars and bikes, etc..)

When i'm on the treadmill, pretty much the ONLY thing that keeps me going is 10 (or so) year old pop-punk. Specifically anything from Blink-182 Dude Ranch, or the many punk mix cd's I got at the Warped Tours when I was 14/15.

haha yup, me too. My teenage self went ****GAAAASSSPPP******* "NOOOOOOOO!" in shock. Funny to look back on that.

I don't find them annoying at all.. then again when I watched the show as a 15 year old I didn't get them at ALL, and then re-watching them was more like finding easter eggs, as opposed to annoying. Foreshadowing in general is something I like in shows, and I often dislike shows that seemingly create plotlines out of

Yep, I absolutely love that two-parter. Buffy being all bad-ass and the great buffy-faith/faith-buffy scences are some of my favorite.

was i the only one who thought Ari looked exactly like a *slightly* more feminite Samantha Ronson. I think the only reason she's gone is that Lindsay was mad at Sam during the filming, and was too strung out to realize that wasn't her up on the runway.

What's Dracula doing with those flapjacks?

Fabio is incred and needs his own show RIGHTNOW.

Still, Michael is much further along in his career, and a much more accomplish chef. I think there should be a certain amount of respect for that and Dale was obviously just being a 'big man' for the cameras.

I just choked on tea and nearly died in my tiny little cubicle. Thanks TomWaits.

Aside from the chipmunks all over it, that first poster looks a lot like a generic soft-core porn box cover, especially the name (really?? AleXXa??). I've seen an episode of this before, but nothing distubed me quite as much as those headshots.

I like keller too, but the women really worked their asses off in these early eps. I like Anita Lo from a couple weeks ago- she's obviously incredibly talented and one of the few who's seen the inside of a kitchen sometime since 1997.

I'm actually surprised he didn't break any toes dropping all those names…

Frank Miller makes me dry-heave. I'm pretty sure that's the only reaction other than "fap".

First, why the fuck would it be cool to be "ironically" into magic?
Second, you realize that his criticism was probably longer than 6 words, right? And that Bravo producers might have picked the comments that were most provocative, or "bitchy" as the ones to keep?
Third, he's been in a couple of Broadway plays, which I

It is my belief (backed up with some anecdotal evidence) that anyone who can be convinced to watch at least 3 entire episodes of Buffy will be hooked. When my husband and I first started dating I brought it over to watch, and he watched it because I was a girl he wanted to sleep with. He became addicted not just to

Buffy and Willow are pretty attractive, but I'd say Faith is the best in the buffyverse. She is good in dollhouse too, but needs to put back on about 7lbs.