
"'Man in the Mirror', because it's really long?"
Dude, that's so deep.

I'm not normally a proponent of eugenics.
But it's this kind of breeding that brings us to the future seen in Idiocracy (not to mention Videocracy).

I'm with Burma.
The remake of Cache is far more horrifying. So very unnecessary.

Good job…
…surprising the interviewee at least twice with unexpected questions.

Hip, hip…
hurray! Nicely put.

Vanishing Point
I watched it years ago because of Primal Scream, and was inordinately proud to be one of the few in the theater who knew what those chicks were talking about.

Tilda gives me little shivers.
But I like it.

Scotland, PA
Only thing I really remember is that scene where Walken shakes the maracas.

I always thought it was "promulent," which sounds slightly more plausible while still being totally fictional.

For a sec…
…actually about 30 seconds, I thought "acoustic subtlety" was a hilarious understatement. Then it turned into a significant part of something I think I might have to buy.

I avoided "In Da Club"
I managed it not through striving, but the same way you escape quicksand: go limp and then roll away slowly.

…the last two places I saw Evel were in a roofing commercial (god, he looks decrepit) and in a trailer for a terrible 70's movie about a stunt driver, I think his image is pretty gone. And, yeah, that whole satire thing.

I'm curious, as well. It's funny—every week, at least one review has its byline left off when it's first posted.

I remember when he gave up C&H, he alluded to art projects he wanted to do. And given what he (claims he) did to a dorm room at our shared alma mater (http://home3.inet.tele.dk/
stadil/spe_kc.htm), not to mention those huge, gorgeous Sunday panels, he had the potential to do some really interesting

As for performance capture…
…wasn't the same technique used to much better effect in Monster House? Maybe Zemeckis will learn from it.

"Urban rodent," hyenaman?
Is that PC for "hood rat"?

No, Milhouse.
You're not the only one.

Close your italics, man.
Thanks for launching this. When I was a fresh-faced lad of 10 or so, I inherited a similar box of books from a family friend. I had a few days to revel in the naughtiness of it all—from the pulp fiction to an enormous collection of extraordinary limericks (my introduction to the word

Sorry. Seriously.
Despite the questionable provenance of some of them, there are several divinely creepy scenes in this that gave me enjoyable goose bumps as a young lad. That owl still makes me nervous.

I loved this as a kid.
Where's the penny-induced death promised by the main DVD page, though?