Pale Blue Eyes

I was thinking about how much the other couples are trying to help Amy and Sheldon advance their relationship instead of making fun of it like they did in the Dungeons and Dragons episode. It shows growth in the group dynamics.

Yes, I never understood Penny and Sheldon shippers. If she and Leonard are an odd couple, she and Sheldon are odder. They are a great comedic team, but he's more a pet than anything else to her.

You should try How to Steal a Million as a lighter caper than Charade. Audrey Hepburn in Paris with Peter O'Toole.

I think it was a mango not a peach so Keller could be threatening with a knife. I totally agree with suspending any thoughts of reality and just enjoying the show. It was exactly what I want to see in a caper and can't wait for next season. Could Bomer and Dekay be any better? I loved that wink at the end