
So, like, an eternal flame?

I have a snake in another place. Ladiessss.

Two steps forward, one step back.

They should really know by now that it…can be two things.

By the time she finished saying all her titles the white walkers would be on the other side of the wall.

Much to Casper's disappointment.

Hungry, Hungry HIPPA

Cum Town makes people think of baseball when they get close to it. It's a weird natural phenomenon.

The Chuckle Brothers go Avant-garde.

*drops magnifying glass* That's not fair! There was time now!

In her opinion, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

I will do what must me done to make this country great again.

Aww, that's sweet, Pickle.

I'm just going to toss my name in the hat for Self-Fellatio Czar. I'll turn off the hose and drain the swamp!

Yeah, Trump would probably just shit into the megaphone until it oozed all over the public. So not too different from his Twitter really.

I read it in the voice of the megaphone crooner from the Mr. Show sketch.

Wasting good piss by spitting it out? Your mom would be very disappointed!

Thank you, Ronald Reagan. Your legacy is intact!

Just pissing into a spinning fan.

"I Came to Chew Gum…"