
Thank God for a solid out and out episode.

Doesn't have any money.
Free food. Nevermind.
Place to sleep and sit in lookout out of sight next to the Rand building.

As mentioned before, despite it being basically the plot from the first Ninja Turtles movie, I quite like Bakuto's extension of the hand, explaining how it has roots in everything.

Well, I think he's supposed to come off as a bit unhinged and resentful against Danny winning the Iron Fist title, and then abandoning it, and then endangering K'un Lun….as he's definitely going to turn into a villain for Season 2.
The whole, best friend turned into enemy plot.

The Wonder Woman movie actually comes out a few months before this.

I was perfectly fine with BvS, outside of a few things like unnecessary Ghost Dad Jon Kent and Doomsday.
Suicide Squad is the one that fucking insulted me.

I like Jason Mamoa, because he seems like a guy who could use the word "Bro" unironically without coming off as a massive douche.

Because of the dark scenery, like BvS, they do have shots with light and color that can look quite striking in contrast.
But that doesn't mean I want the whole rest of my movie in washed out blue either.

Hell, I liked it. And I'm looking forward to it.

It just made him incredibly unlikeable to me. In season 1 he had plenty of shit going on, and surely made some mistakes, but also his choices seemed to stem from logic and he seemed to regret them.

I couldn't stand DD2.
In DD 1, when Matt was conflicted he'd go to talk with the priest at his church and contemplate things in a realistic manner.
In DD 2 he instead thought the best course of action was to distance himself from his loved ones to be broody and dark, and act like a dick to everyone, especially Foggy

Weakest first season.
Even at it's weakest, I wasn't hating it or falling asleep as I was during parts of Daredevil season 2.
Which sucks because I'd probably put Daredevil season 1 as the strongest Marvel Netflix.

Not nearly as bad as the critics made it out to be.
Not terrible, but still not good.
There are a couple great fucking performances within the mediocrity though.

"What's the plan?"
"I punch things and I win."

Maybe if the rest of the show felt like it fit him.
You had 7 episodes of pretty serious plots including gang violence, gentrification, racila bias, police brutality, spousal and child abuse, and even rape.
And then you have Diamondback clomp in yelling like a schoolyard bully.

And then immediately abandon his son to go ice-fishing in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.

There's not.

(Takes hit off joint)
Storks, man…

While I normally think drug addiction plots can be pretty hokey, and this one still is a bit cliche, Ward's at least got a pretty decent reason.

Honestly, I might be in the minority, I don't know, but by the end of the show I gave way more of a fuck about all of the Meachums than I did over any of Danny's mystic crap, the Iron Fist mythology, or the Hand.