
I will admit to loving the karaoke assassin's entrance.
Also, Danny's visions of his mentor is the most we ever really get out of K'un Lun this season, so enjoy that for what it's worth.
At least it's something, I guess…

Yes, Danny….just totally go for it and makeout with the woman who's your second opponent in a deathmatch.
Obviously, she has no ulterior motive.

She has no romantic interests for Danny throughout the whole series at least, though that's not surprising as he lacks a lot of the charisma and charm Matt and Luke had.

That's impossible though, as we learn that she's been with the Hand at least since Harold's incarceration in his penthouse after the Hand saved him, and its hinted at being much longer.

Why was she sticking around for the whole hostage business and on until the end of the season then after Luke was ok?
Sure, she wanted some dick (who can blame her?), but that doesn't mean she couldn't go crash in a hotel while things got cleared up rather than risk getting shot.
If there was a good reason though,

Yeah, with Nobu revealed to be working with the Hand, she seemed to be the head of a different crime syndicate working with Fisk that was not directly affiliated with Nobu. Though she definitely seemed to know about Nobu's group, but wasn't apart of them.

I was annoyed with Elektra as she went along, as she just kind of got more unlikeable to me. That and the actress wasn't the best and seemed to stay at one flat tone of mild snark for most of her line readings.

I've never read any Iron Fist, so I assumed that was just his thing.
Yeah, that's seems weird to force on him.
I'm sure he still could've been dragged into the Hand plot. Why shackle him with just that?

Well, technically he IS the Iron Fist, but beyond that he has no fucking clue what to do. Which he even admitted last episode to Joy.

My main issue, as I believe I commented on last time, is that to make Danny seem badass the show NEEDS to make all of Danny's opponents come off as weaker than him, which, with the weaker choreography/editing/staging/etc of the show, makes them come of as kind of incompetent fighters compared to, say, Daredevil's many

Oh, no, she' great. I mean she sells the hell out of a role that I don't think would work as well with a lesser actress. And yeah, I think her entry here does work a lot better than in Luke Cage.
Her role as a nurse gets her dragged back into the plot works a bit more logically, whereas in Luke Cage (from what I

Ward "Trump Jr." Meachum came to be one of my favorite characters by the end of this season. Even the somewhat cliche drug addiction plot actually comes back around in a great way, and boy does the actor get to act across a great variety of scenarios, doing great in all of them.

Honestly, I'd think Claire Temple's entry into every show, and taking up increasingly more time with each passing show, would feel a little clumsy if I didn't love Rosario Dawson so much. Thank God for her.

He was supposed to be there to protect it, and in his absence it was attacked and…it seems like K'un Lun broke the gate to prevent any intruders? Regardless, that was his one job, he fucked off, AND alerted the Hand to the fact that he was the Iron Fist and wasn't guarding K'un Lun giving them an open window to invade

Certainly not always as he is more aloof, but I feel that in the moments where Danny is supposed to be quite intense, Jones hasn't sold it well.

Well, I'm saying the way the show portrays the 2 varies in quality quite drastically.

Honestly, yeah.
Amell has certainly built up some decent acting chops over the course of Arrow.
This show certainly could've used some of his intensity in the Danny role.
At the same time, we've also seen Amell pull off Rich Douchebag Ollie very well too.

I did too, despite some of it being cliche and cheesy like the elevator portion. It was still fun which is missing from some fights later.

Daredevil was a blind kid who had a dick of a teacher train him for what couldn't have been more than a year.
Danny supposedly underwent 15 years of intensive training.
Looking at their fights, Daredevil still looks like he could take Danny down without breaking a sweat.

Is there anyone who actually wants to clock how much time Danny actually uses the Iron Fist power in this whole season?