
Those fucking shark eyes of his, man.

Fuck yeah, I love Brad Jones' channel: Stoned Gremlin Productions.
Dude seems to have the best job in the world with the Cinema Snob and Midnight Screenings and does it with a lot of passion, love, and energy, while also seeming like one of the coolest dudes ever.

Or Arrow's misguided season long China flashbacks in Season 3.

….Huh, yeah….True.
I'll still take that over DD2 though.
At least it's not putting me to sleep.

"This is my fault.." NO FUCKING SHIT!

Honestly, while the reviews have been overly harsh, that was fucking stupid of him.
Billionaires run the gambit of comic superheroes.
People aren't suddenly going to start burning comics of Batman and Iron Man because we've got that tantrum throwing toddler in the white house.

It's not great, but at least Bakudo wasn't charmless and boring, and at least his plan to spread the hand through giving jobs to down and out kids after winning their loyalty was interesting

Considering the plot of some later episodes, this theory is quite funny.
Though Harold oddly seems way more balanced than Donald.

At least there's some folks with personality and some logic behind the organization this season.

I'm super perplexed at how much they talk about K'un Lun and it's importance, yet never show us any of it, outside of some CGI snow shots.

While I'm not feeling the fight scenes, which would be serviceable if this wasn't a martial arts show and Danny Rand wasn't supposedly one of the best fighters in the world….

"This show is very bad at justifying why its central characters don’t call the police when something goes wrong."

The Hand is definitely better here than in DD 2.
Not that that's saying much as DD 2 had its walls crawling with generic ninjas that went down like cardboard cutouts.

"Is Danny Rand the Donald Trump of superheroes?"
Fuck, I mean, I definitely think he's the weakest part of this show, but that seems overly harsh.

"And I'm all out of security guards"

Diamondback was basically the personification of the Kool Aid man as a villain.

This show really needed a better lead.
A lot of the supporting cast are really solid, which is something you especially see as the series plays out their character arcs, but man…

The fights scenes, disappointingly, are never very great. Some are perfectly fine, but others seem to be a bit slower than they should be and/or are hidden by a lot of quick cuts.

Our childhood friend is alive!
Now…fuck him over!

Having already finished…
Is this the one where Danny is acting super serious, and then fucking whacks a kid with a wooden stick after the student makes a fart noise?