
That and the 'Fuck, they killed Harold….did they learn nothing from Cottonmouth?…' 'Psych! He's back!' Was another great moment.

I think, in Harold's mind, the idea that 'the Order of the Crane Mother doesn't exist' made him believe Danny more, as that means it isn't something some imposter could research on the internet.

One of the show's strongest points compared to other Netflix shows is that its supporting characters have gotten stronger and stronger as the season goes on.

I'd say it's better than DD2 at least, as I have an incredibly low opinion of that season. Probably below LC, but only on account of the strength of LC's first half, as it's second half with Diamondback was pretty terrible.

Ok, just finished the finale. I'll comment on it more in later episodes, but for now some basic thoughts on the series:

Honestly, that makes a bit of sense, and would be something I'd totally buy if they explored it more and showed him being more inept at cultural and modern things rather than a lot of what seems to be basic common sense.

Sadly, you won't be seeing that effect very often.

That was unintentionally hilarious and a point where I laughed, and then audibly went "Oh, no…."

It still doesn't really speak much for his intelligence in that it
didn't seem like he had thought anything ahead on his first

While I do think a lot of criticisms are overblown, the one I kept hearing about Danny acting like a rich kid who thinks he's enlightened after taking a yoga class were kind of spot on.

I'm on episode 11 right now, so I don't remember the specificities of how Danny got the idea back in episode 2, but there's easily dozens of other things he could've said other than just asserting he is who he says he is.

I do think some of the criticisms are overblown, but I certainly think it starts out the weakest of any of the Marvel Netflix and without a unique style or identity (compared to the groove or Harlem or grit of Hell's Kitchen), its fight scenes are very meh, and Danny is easily the least compelling protagonist of the 4

Fucking idiot, why didn't he just lead with the fucking M&Ms in the first episode.

When the doctor brought out the passport……
Did…this episode flirt with the idea of trying to gaslight Dany into thinking he was insane and K'un Lun was just in his head for about 10 seconds before dropping the idea completely?

Honestly, he doesn't seem to have much of one. Which is…kind of the point, I guess? He's lost and searching for his purpose and place in life, which is understandable. But it's also boring because he's vague without a real purpose or goal.

10 episodes in. While I certainly wouldn't call it stellar or even great, it certainly gets a lot more entertaining and interesting in its back half.

Speaking of….things based on other things….
The theme song for this is almost identical to a song from Daft Punk's Tron soundtrack.

3 episodes in. Nothing I hate about it, but nothing I particularly like stands out much either. It's perfectly average, so a C seems to be a good score so far.

I think the first half of Luke Cage is brilliant, but goddamn…everything after the exit of Cottonmouth is a soggy, muddled mess.

Daredevil season 1 was solid, but holy fuck, season 2 was ass.