
'Parliament of Owls'
Now, I haven't read any of the Owl stuff past Court of Owls, which I loved, but from what I've heard it really sounds like DC took a great idea with the Court and really went up it's own ass beating a dead horse about it. Am I right about that? How is the rest of the Owls' stuff after Snyder's

Everyone has teleporting powers, but who fucking cares because that was amazing.

Mara Wilson was easily the best actress in this. She comes off incredibly more natural and in character than everyone else who are very awkward and stilted while doing bad impressions from the film.

"14-year old male power fantasy". Yes. GOWIII has one of the most stupidest, juvenile, cringy sex scenes ever conceived. It's not sexy, it's unintentionally funny, and it shits on everything from greek mythology, to women, to the LGBT community, to decent writing.

Who knew making Kratos a character was a good idea? Having character development is so much better than him just being a grumpy dick who slices and stomps everything and everyone in a bloody pulp but we're supposedly supposed to like out of sympathy because he killed his family when brainwashed in rage. You fucked

Not my words, but whatever.
(*donald trump would like to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the united states and build a wall along the american-mexican border.
*donald trump plans to create specific legal hurdles to muslim people immigrating to the united states.
*donald trump wants to expand

I've had super Sanders supporters that are so pissed at the political bias towards Hilary tell me that Trump and Hilary aren't really that different so they don't give a fuck who wins outside of Bernie. Fuck those people.

While I do like Sanders, some of his supporters are becoming fucking poison now. While the media can fuck off for not covering him, I've seen far too many Sanders supporters who are now deciding that because the media were such assholes concerning his campaign, that they are not going to vote for Hilary if she becomes

I've always said, there should be a series finale after credits scene where Gendry rows up into King's Landing, everyone else is dead, and then sits on the throne as triumphant music plays.
Boom. King Gendry the patient.

With Cleganebowl now possible and the brotherhood brought back in now hanging people, the finale damn well better give us some Stoneheart.

Yeah, I meant the characters in the books uncertainty rather than the readers.
I think there were at least a half dozen conversations between characters in Jamie's, Cersei 's and Brienne's chapters talking about conflicting sightings and stories of the hound.

She's always been pretty stunning to me. Not conventional by any means, but she still looks amazing in her warrior getup.
Even doing the same thing they do with Brienne (who is also fabulous) to make the actress look more plain on screen because of their culture/position, she still looks great.

Yeah, I believe one of her POV's opens either during or right after fucking someone in Deepwood Motte. The chapter then ends with her and her people getting captured by Stannis.

It was a big mistake on her part, but I do think it can be passed off a little (though just a little) on Arya being high on the idea of returning home/seeing family again.

That whole subplot in the books with the hound's helmet I did find quite unneeded though. The idea of power screwing with one's head is quite intriguing, but it seemed to be Martin's way of having fun with the "Is the hound dead? Is he alive? People keep having conflicting reports of seeing him." Without offering much

"I'm gonna go fuck the tits off of this one."
Should I be a bit peeved that they changed her sexuality from the books? Because that did kind of make me like her even more. Though she could still be bi.

On the one hand, this seems like it might fix the whole Africa scene which really didn't make sense in the theatrical cut, wherein Superman was thought to have killed a bunch of people after Lex's goons shot up a place and where Lex supplied said goons with special (read: easily traceable) prototype bullets.

I really see-sawed back and forth between:

You do you, but personally, while I do think the film has a lot of problems and I get that its easy to make fun of the Martha scene, I thought that, despite a lot of other stuff, worked well for me, in that it did humanize Clark in Bruce eyes.

I did actually think half of this movie was pretty enjoyable (Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman). The other half was kind of ass though (Lois's pointless drawn out sideplot, Doomsday). But while I didn't care for this Lex (Goddamnit I really wanted joaquin phoenix) I at least did appreciate that he had a screen presence