
Yeah, well….you know, that's just like…your opinion, man.

Story of creepy over attachment. You're thinking of Meatloaf's "Every breath you take."

How in the hell do you consider Santa Clause a perceived masterpiece?

I thought it was perfectly fine but nothing to write home about. I expected to like it a lot more than I did. And yet I love Eyes Wide Shut.

I assumed they meant once they began, or at least just prior to them beginning with them maybe controlling Rip to take them and then so on. I don't think each specific one of them was essential to the plan. Though I suppose the Time Masters would've picked members that would aid Savage's rise through his study of them

Oh…right, right, I forgot Firestorm did that in LoT. For some reason I was confused and thought Claude above was talking about some other event from the comics. I don't know why I thought that though….brain fart. But yeah, the Arrowverse history is kind of in the dark for the most part and is subject to the writers

DC universe doesn't equal the Arrow universe, as it seems that most of the crazy powers and magic shit happening the in the world is fairly recent, or at least the fact of it becoming common knowledge is fairly recent.

One thing I really regret missing from the script, that they could've done on this episode too, but missed out on again, was Lance slipping in the line "Oh, and I'm banging your ex" somewhere towards Felicity's dad.

She also grew up with Tommy. Who she both had a crush on and was her brother. So….Laurel would be a step up?

Can we please resurrect Laurel and have her and Thea do a duo spinoff in some other random city sometimes intercut with lesbian subtext?

I hadn't heard of that theory, but, if true, that really seems like shooting yourself in the foot to prove a point.

Jesus Christ….can we all please forget about Darkstar?
As much gripes as I have with the show, at least they didn't create such an emo hipster prick as Darkstar.
Seriously, Martin, FFC and DWD have a lot of sloggy parts amidst a lot of stuff I loved, but that's gotta be your worst.
"I am of the night!"

Agreed. So many of the prospects put forward looked either like bland white boy toy by way of the boyfriend from Transformers 4 or someone I thought was just wrong for the part like Miles Teller. This is solid.

Patton Oswalt's character getting sacked in the dick was amazing.
Also, sorry for your loss.

"Who the hell were those guys?"
The twist of the season is probably gonna be that they aren't cops, and that everyone believes them just going around saying that they are, and are the ones behind the original Veronica Dean mishap in the beginning.

Not interested. I didn't even like the original The Omen. Going through an old horror movies binge awhile ago I found the Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby far superior.

"Joe…I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna save my mom."
'Barry's Mom Stays Dead'

I think they implied that Earth 2 Wells actively knew there was a huge chance that something could go wrong and cause countless deaths (which it did) and therefore it wasn't just an unforeseen accident.

To be fair, as much as I enjoy the first season of the Flash, going back in retrospect you do notice how often people got kidnapped being the climax of an episode.
I mean, SERIOUSLY! Every single prominent member of the cast got kidnapped/captured at one episode or another. Caitlin, Joe, Eddie, Iris, Cisco, Cisco's

I can…kind of buy it? He said he needed to get Caitlin to stop looking for his doppleganger = show her his doppleganger.
And I'd guess Caitlin would still look into his doppleganger even after being shown out of curiosity and any loose ends. And it'd be an even weirder tip off if when she did the names didn't match up.