
Me too, buddy. She sure had her dumb moments, but she really was starting to grow as a character and was becoming one of the stronger characters on the show over the past couple seasons.
Hell, this season I looked forward to her scenes over many of the other cast.
Outside of Lance and Dahrk that is, because they're

Because why the fuck should we care about story integrity when we can use the script as a bargaining tool.

Stuff like this is so frustrating not knowing who to blame. The heads vs. the creatives. I usually by default tend to side toward the creatives in bias, but even they fuck up often too.

If Rosita dies I really don't think it'd have much of an effect as she's pretty shoe-string, but then again: Walking Dead writers.

More like fuck you AMC. I'm sure they mandated this type of shit.


Yeah, Gotham's still in the amateur fanfiction stage of its writing, in that it still has ideas and drive, albiet terrible and misguided.

I watch all of the other DC show properties, so I just went along with this one to be a completionist I suppose.

True, but at least Terminus felt legitimate and interesting. They had a backstory and history, a base, motivations, and even though they had a ton of build up all for one episode, that one episode was pretty great. (Though boy was "Tainted Meat" with Bob a cool idea that went literally nowhere.)

I haven't watched this episode yet, but is the show just done with The Wolves?
If so, wow, that was a waste. All that build up in Season 5 and then they were more of a distraction than a villain.

The whole Anderson family was handled incredibly poorly in development, weren't very interesting, did practically nothing, and sure were just dropped out of the show because they obviously weren't working (I honestly think they killed them all off in the mid-season premiere, writing the next batch of episodes, based

To each their own. I thought Season 5 was actually pretty solid outside of the hospital arc which just seemed to be a time filler followed by shock death for mid-season finale purposes. Though, despite being a very fun premiere, I do wish we got more time exploring Terminus. That place was interesting.

I personally couldn't stand the hospital stuff which I felt was the weakest part of the otherwise solid Season 5. It was just a bunch of asshole cops with a incompetent "villain" I could never find intimidating in the slightest.

It does get better after that, but boy is this show the definition of poorly paced. They really have no endgame in mind so you definitely get the feel they're really just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and dropping stuff off without any plot resolution when it doesn't.

Season 2 was a catastrophe where, after the success of season 1, AMC saw Walking Dead as an easy cash cow that would draw in viewers not matter what they did, because Zombies are huge and everyone loves them so = built in viewers.

So…3 episodes in?
You lucky bastard.
You got to miss out on the "Fuck, we're stranded on a farm doing nothing due to budget cuts" season and "Never mentioned again superflu that kills off nameless ancillary characters and wastes time" saga

Neither does the Walking Dead, but it can still be entertaining to watch them continually, desperately, lay track a couple feet in front of the oncoming train in attempt to keep the wreck ever in motion.

Having read the Disaster Artist, I get the feeling that Donald Trump watching Citizen Kane probably had a similar effect to that of Tommy Wiseau of the Room had watching The Talented Mr. Ripley, where Tommy put himself in the main character's shoes and then saw that character as the victim and good guy rather than a

He's a fucking whiny child bully with an ego as big as the moon but with a skin as thin as wet paper. He talks all kind of baseless, incorrect, defaming shit about everything but the second something doesn't go his way: Shut up! No! He cheated! I'm gonna sue him!

I've seen Season 4 and don't remember. Was it a specific song or just their background music cues and transitions used often? Whatever it was, it wasn't as distinctive as Sound of Silence (and the way it was used in the film) to stick out to me in the way that did.