
Ok, pal…
Whatever you need to feel important in the world.


1. Well, that's just a fucking lie. I've been commenting on this show all season here and I've seen you post in probably about every single episode since 3. And that's not stalking, that's called remembering, because you stick out like a sore thumb whining. I remember a lot of the other people who post here because

He's a reviewer. It's kind of his job to give his thoughtful opinion.

I just meant that although they talked about the decision changing the future, and although Barry had decided to go through with it anyway, having himself tell/motion to him that is was a bad idea/not to do it probably changed his mind.

Replying to your bitching is not stalking you.
Throwing out random accusations at me doesn't make them true.
And lot of people who watch LOT obviously watch the Flash.
So…yeah, totally stalking.

Now, I'm not saying I'd kill anyone or have killed anyone, but if I had to hide a dead body, man, that'd be the perfect place.

….what the hell kind of response is that?

No one can replace Eddie.
No one!

I didn't love it and have a lot of problems with how they handled Patty, who I actually liked as a character and because of the actress, but I'll take this as closure over the ending of last episode, which I thought was going to be the last we were going to see of her (at least for awhile).

….Didn't they already go over that kind of?
That he could have saved his mom, but chose not to so as not to erase his future? And that his future self warned him not to.
That and flashpoint….

"No, you are!" Wow….sick burn.

I think it's more of a circlejerk.

I'm guessing they'd prefer stopping Savage without erasing everything they've ever known and everyone they've ever loved or cared about from existence.

But that would completely and utterly change the timeline of hundreds or thousands of years seeing as Savage had a hand in starting multiple wars and whatever other skeevy shit he was up to for centuries.

The Arrow cameo was clunky, but other than that, loved the Flash pilot.

If you just go by letter grades that's always going to be a messy subject seeing a B for Gotham sure as hell doesn't equal a B for Breaking Bad and writers always have different standards for what they expect a show to be.

I don't know about that man….from the Suicide Squad trailer Jai Courtney sure can scream, punch people, and drink a beer awkwardly.

Eh…he's new and hasn't had much screen time yet. Both Hawk people have had more time than him. I'll give him a chance to develop. The show just needs to give him some more personal motivation and investment.
Still, he's already better than the block of wood Ronnie would've been.

I think one of the trailers showed Cold meeting his younger self still living with his abusive dad, which is gonna bring some fucking tears to my eyes.
I don't think I'm ready, man.