
With both Linda and Kendra both finding out Barry is the Flash along with Patty's little trip to Star Labs there is no fucking excuse for the show not letting Patty in on it by the next Flash episode.

Hey, Oliver! Central City fucking loves their vigilante way more than Star City likes you. And so does your son.
Oh, by the way, you have a son.

That's what I'm here for!

To each their own.

How does Kara not burn her hair off during heat vision what with it flapping in front of her face? Shouldn't she at least be singeing the ends off?

The Harley Quinn comics in the New 52 are rather great. It gets Harley out of being an abused possession for the Joker or government assassin for the Suicide Squad and let's her have some crazy fun that gets back to why people liked her character in the first place. Batman and Batgirl are also pretty good in my

I don't know about Bruce Timm as it's unlikely he held up all the parts the new movies are failing in. And as for the New 52, nah. For one, it's not impossible to turn bad stories into good ones in adaptation, and 2. they turned a good New 52 story into a shitty one with Court of Owls into Batman vs Robin. If, at the

I really like Flashpoint's balls to the wall over the top violence. Overall I quite like that movie, but damn does every single male character model they used have to look like some steroid using lunkhead with muscles on their muscles. Did they just use the same model for every single male character? Christ, people,

Thoughts While Watching:

Well, actually, his death was pretty awesome (if I remember correctly). It's just the fact that he hardly did anything the entire film and then was killed while monologuing. He went out pretty spectacularly, but their new universe apparently thinks its better to kill off a badass Black Manta and instead keep around an

Under the Red Hood was awesome.

Oh, God, I hated that movie. I loved the Court of Owls comics and that was such a butchering of cliff notes.

Can this be like the Crisis On Two Earths movie where the parallel universe where Gotham exists can be some the place the Arrowverse universe of Legends or Barry needs to drop an intergalactic bomb off at in order save their own universe from utter destruction?

"So is Tabitha the new villain for the back half of the season?"

Is it just incredibly immature of me that I keep thinking the favor Jim owes Cobblepot is just going to be the Penguin cashing it in to bump uglies?

This was an episode where I didn't care at all for the main plot, but I quite liked the side stories.

It's ok, they got a whole academy of disposable young inexperienced and, most importantly, nameless recruits to get killed.
I mean, I assume they do have names, but why learn them when they'll be dead in an average of 2-1/2 episodes?

I think someone's fudging the numbers, either that or the criminals have just as poor aim as the cops. The whole Jerome and the Maniax massacre only killed 9 cops and the commissioner, despite them shooting up a packed building.

Just caught up to the rest of this season.
Haven't seen this one yet, but right now I'm pegging the Penguin duplicate army from a couple episodes ago as the possible season highlight. That's the type of goofy over the top entertaining shit this show should do more of.

"Smartest man in the room"
On Gotham that's not saying much.