
I think it's a tad unfair to lump Jeselnik and Tosh together. Both rely on shock value but Jeselnik's stand up is very smartly crafted, whereas Tosh's material, especially in his shows, is "Abortion! Laugh you fucks, because abortion is edgy and that means it's funny! Now I'm going to go put on a weird tight costume

Man, I somehow forgot about that line. But I like that idea. Trained military professionals bound/brainwashed by magic to do H.I.V.E.'s bidding. H.I.V.E. kills them and then resurrects them as slaves or something? Expendable if they can just clone/resurrect them again somehow which explains the cyanide teeth. Just a

______ and Lance is a great pairing.

I'd personally give Week 2 to the Flash as I felt the Anarky episode was a tad meh in comparison to most of the Earth 2 geek fun Flash had then, but other than that I agree.

I don't know, Sara recast makes sense seeing as the actress had to shoot the pilot to begin with and then just come back for a couple handful of scenes in season 1 before getting a much bigger role from then on. If they were planning something like this it makes sense to cast a guy last season for the flashback

So, the H.I.V.E. agent who didn't shoot Dig two weeks ago is going to turn out to be his brother, right? I'm guessing this is going to be a faked death situation and then recruited into H.I.V.E. and Darhk just didn't show his full hand there. Would make sense seeing as they just already twisted Dig's positive view of

Oliver: I'm afraid Mr. Boyer is no longer going to be working with us on the campaign."

And seeing as they're all unpaid interns, there's no payroll, which means no pesky record of employment to deal with when Thea needs to satisfy her bloodlust at the office.

I don't know man…my erection and I are buds, but it's not much of a clear thinker under pressure.

I think the episode's alternate title should be Lance's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. After Oliver breaking into his house a couple times, finding out his daughter was resurrected, almost shooting her, and being dragged through the mud by Oliver I half expected him to just say "Hey, can we do this another


In this season of Arrow? I don't know….
They're building up Mr. Terrific but I don't know if he's even going to be in LoT and both Canary and A.T.O.M. are slowly being brought back in while not detracting from the Darhk plot (at least for now). I'd say that's a lot better done than here where the new Firestorm get's

Yeah, once they actually solved the identity crisis (heh) and fusion problem of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. I really didn't care much for Ronnie.
Granted, we didn't see him much after that, but when we did he just felt like a brick.

Yeah, just bad luck on her part.
First one Jax met he took out by chucking a car part at.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That's how you do a cameo!

*holds radio over head playing "In The Arms Of An Angel"*

"I'm an adult!"
Sure you are, Gotham.
Sure you are.

Tone down on the "girl power" schtick and this could get pretty good. Definitely going to give this a chance. That's more than I could say for Gotham.

Iris: "What do I do?"
Barry: "Just fucking jump out the window, ok? I don't care. I'll be right there….Wait, what's the address?……Iris?"

Snart's a great partner for Barry ever since Eddie possibly died.