
I'm still hoping the sinister tone associated with earth-2 Wells so far is a red herring and it's actual good guy Harrison Wells married to Tess Morgan.

Whispered "Snart!"
Whispered "Barry!"
I love these two.

Didn't Jay say he'd never pulled it off though? If he's not dead then we missed a valuable scene of them vacuuming Sand Demon up and dumping the vac bag out into a Particle Accelerator cell.


But was that Thawnish tone and grin a red herring or are we actually getting actual good guy Harrison Wells?

True, but the Zoom on show seems to be a special effect/stunt man with a dubbed over voice. It's conceivable that the actor could just come back for a couple episodes or finale after the "reveal".

1. First off, most importantly, did anyone else catch Heat Wave shilling yogurt?
2. Wow, Team Flash doesn't give a fuck about straight up murdering people. And they say Arrow is dark. Just because it's flashy and upbeat doesn't change the fact that they fried a guy to death with radiation last week and flash-froze a

I wouldn't rule out Lance dying this season, but seeing as Barry's there I think it would make more sense if the grave was for someone he knew. And Barry really only knew Felicity and Dig well from Starling City as opposed to Lance or Thea or any other potential grave fillers.

Calling it now, the ending is a fakeout and the grave is actually Diggle's rather than Felicity's.

"Angry little slice of pie". Perfect.

Yeah, I haven't read it in a few years but from what I remember I hated the last book. I appreciated it was trying to do something new with the politics and ways a war operates, but I thought it botched the landing at pretty much every turn and just made the main character a drag.

My mom and sister saw the first two. They're quite lenient on what constitutes a good movie and will just take some mindless entertainment. They actually quite liked the first one, but even they both hated the second. When I asked their opinion on Insurgent my mom's first words were, "Yeah, that kinda sucked."

I feel like having Felicity fire off a machine gun in the trailer might be a bit overkill compensation, but then I do remember how much they have to undo her being a drag in season 3. Sure it's cheesy as fuck, but at least she's doing something productive.

"I only read adult books."
Was this supposed to come off as condescending, defensive, or just awkward?

Personally, this is probably my favorite of the four movies, probably because Bender's journey, though inconsequential for a good deal of the time, is a lot of fun and oddly touching at times.
And that quick scene of Bender sacrificing his son to the robot devil for a robot hell army was a short but amazing bit.

I don't really care if stuff is dark. I like a lot of dark movies and dark superhero movies. The difference is if it's interesting, compelling, and entertaining. This movie isn't shit because it's dark. It's shit because it's a goddamn bore.

Yeah, ASM was bland but not really offensive to me.

My theory is that the writers at Gotham decide everything by filling in mad libs by clicking the "random page" generator on a Batman wiki.

See, this is why I shouldn't be allowed to make jokes about comic properties.

I can't wait for their 2032 line up of the Dazzler, Squirrel Girl and Power Pack movies!