
Well…that worked out as well as I expected.
Next time on "Great Job, Internet" we'll have the Game of Thrones footage set to the theme from Gravity Falls. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.

To be fair, I think it's less "Fuck the world" and more "Be whoever you want to be. Don't let humanity, or your guilt or sense obligation decide who you are."
I think that's what they're going for. The idea that Kal-El's decision to be Superman should rest squarely on his own shoulders. The idea that he's not

Embarrassed? If you didn't like MOS fine, but I think it's just mainly fact that he really doesn't need to remind anyone he made Man of Steel seeing as this is the follow-up and everyone, whether you love him or hate him, pretty much knows who Snyder is at this point. Did the Dark Knight Rises have a trailer with a

Seeing as the tattoo stuff is here to stay I'm just hoping Leto takes it all in fucking stride.

Fingers crossed.

Yes. Good call on that. From what I remember I think even King regrets writing that, basically saying "Sorry, I was high/drunk."

I thought Tim Curry as Pennywise was fantastic. The rest….(shrugs). It all felt fairly cheesy and slow paced. And a lot of the plot points really didn't transition well to film in how its all explained.

Ok, while there have been a good number of good movie Stephen King adaptions (Shawshank, Green Mile, Misery, Carrie, etc…), though against way more bad ones, has a single miniseries ever done a good job?

M-O-O-N, that's spells a recipe for disaster.

I know I'm pretty alone in this, but I really liked Insomnia. I thought it was quite fascinating and it's honestly one of my favorites of his. Could've done without the Dark Tower stuff thrown in though.
Couldn't stand to even make it half way through Rose Madder, though I doubt I missed much.
I felt Dreamcatcher had a

The movie was more fun pulpy bad in my opinion. Terrible, but an enjoyable "holy fuck what is this, why?" fascinating kind of clusterfuck.

Yeah, what is this? America?
(Topical Humor)

I do love this assumption though.
I remember that awful Vin Diesel flick "The Pacifier" which had two Asian neighbors who, in the beginning, basically said "Hey, fuck you! We're just normal English speaking Americans you racist dicks!" to the cliche.
….only for them to be revealed as secret ninja assassins twenty

Seeing as Thea's growth as a character and relationship with Oliver has been one of the best parts of this bumpy season I'm actually pretty excited for her as Speedy.

Damn, I was really hoping for Virgil Hawkins.

I think I read that those initiated in the League of Assassin's pronounce it Raysh, correctly, but everyone else pronounces it Rahz was intentionally done by the show either as a nod to the various pronounciations in different adaptations as well as a bit of a cultural joke between those on the inside of the League

I love that Well's/not Well's response of "Well…let's lock up shop, goodnight everyone" was basically just TV PG code for "Yeah…fuck this creepy shit, I'm out."

"Four episodes watched for review"
But they'll also be doing individual episode reviews once it starts premiering.

My favorite suggestions

Now where'd I leave that lotion?