
That I just assume went something like this:

Probably because they like to have the "definitive" version, or some shit like that. No competition. THIS is the genuine article.

The same reason Rip Hunter isn't Booster Gold.

Dramatic moments always requires the removal of one's glasses. Don't you know anything?

"I've grown quite fond of you. And in many ways you have shown me what it's like to have a son…..Forgive me…but to me you've been dead for centuries."

Spoil the fates of all the secondary characters?
Not when they don't include them.

Because he's still waiting for those acceptance letters from Hogwarts and Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Forcing Cerberus on you really irked me in ME2, but truthfully, I found no logic to most of what happened in ME2. Don't get me wrong, it's a very fun game with some great characters and ideas, but the plot is pretty garbage.

I will admit graffiti in aftermath of incidents is totally played out and cliche, (seriously, when do they have time to coordinate all that shit in so many different places with the same variations of sayings) but other than that I bought Sevastapol for the most part.

I still think Alien: Isolation does a damn terrific job on the
atmosphere of everything. Whether or not that atmosphere bankrupts the
horror is up to debate, but that doesn't detract from it's appeal to me. Everything smoking and blowing up inside the clunky mechanics and architecture of a sterile spaceship is alright

Not just older square games. FFXIII had every foot step a maddening clomping rhythm down hallways.

The year or the movie? Because both are unacceptable.

My dad took me to see District 9 for my birthday a few years back.
I really liked it.
He couldn't stand it.

Wow. Butthurt guy is butthurt. Way to make sweeping generalizations.

I have nothing against comic fans in general. I love a lot of comic characters and mythology myself. I just find extreme pleasure in that minority of supposedly die hard fans freaking the fuck out in cases like this.

Yes. But that's beside the point.
Or is it?……..
Seriously, you better tell me, cuz I'm pretty wasted.

Dude, I'm fine with it. I'm just amazed at the fact that fans are completely fine with resurrection, cloning, alternate universes/dimensions and the like, but then:

Is there any place I can go to to view, and then bask and masturbate to/with, the tears and rage of the comic book fans distress going on lately?

I blame Devil May Cry for having the gall to promote the idea that a young kid with a crew cut is somehow less gay and realistic than a showy, silver haired man who dislikes wearing a shirt and enjoys dramatically posing.

By all manner of probability, it's not likely.