
I want to like this so bad. I love every Ceremony record, though Zoo took a little more time to love than the others, but none of this is clicking with me. I'm all for progress and keeping yourself interested in the music you're producing, but i feel like there was more effort put in the sound and feel than the actual

I think this is a killer follow-up to the first record, this set of songs is great. But the mixing is distracting, i don't understand why they would bury the guitars so much. I love being able to hear that bass tone but the guitar doesn't jump out at you like it should. Although, this could be because I don't have a

I'm really surprised it doesn't look worse. I mean, there's paint everywhere and piss on the floor but I'd go in there with no concern. I guess I just had to be there. Looks like every punk club I've been to.

End Hits is unfairly maligned, it's one of my top three Fugazi albums for sure.

I always wondered which one it was. Surely someone has asked Phil. 

Charmer was killer. I'm not sure I understand how Coliseum is becoming more like Breather Resist, but they're definitely a little more Young Widows-y (i know they're the same people but the style is very different) than they used to be. Only makes sense really.