
SPOILERS? (not sure)

Season 5 is pretty much a perfect season of television. I don't know how any Angel fans could not love that season. Its cancellation in the middle of that season was mind-blowing, and I still wonder what could have been. Finding out later that Angel actually had good ratings and the show they canceled it garnered

I think Fred had a lot of potential that got really ruined when they had the not-brilliant idea of a romance between her and Gunn. Acker and Richards just don't have the chemistry. I have heard Whedon and others claim that their chemistry was awesome and for the longest time I couldn't figure it out until I realized

Great Article!
I found a couple of books in here that I will probably end up reading. The two fiction comfort books I've probably read most are, Stephen King's "IT" and Ludlum's original "The Bourne Identity".

Is Piers Morgan blind? Ann Coulter's child-bearing years are in the past.

is worth seeing just for Gunn telling Angel that Fred was like an animal, going all night, and Angel saying, okay, more than I need to know. But otherwise, I didn't care for the episode. Loved slouching though.

That would be like, the best show ever.

Boy is this one catty article! Imagine if a woman had written this article about Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johanson.

Boy is this one catty article! Imagine if a woman had written this article about Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johanson.

Yeah the AV commentors are pretty awful with the misogny. I like the writers though, and there's enough decent posters to keep me interested.

LOL The Glenn Beck of plot development? That's hysterical.

I know. I really got attached to the Lumen character and I loved the chemistry between Stiles and Hall, so for that reason this is definitely going to be one of my favorite seasons. At the same time, it's definitely the season where all of the supporting cast (save Jennifer Carpenter) went from annoying to

That would be incredible, Doakes was the only supporting cast member who was ever awesome.

Great Season, Finale Eh
I thought that this was the best season since season 2. But the finale was disappointing - definitely wrapped everything up too neatly. By midpoint I knew Lumen wasn't going to die, and I was relieved because I didn't want her to, but the show failed by signaling that so early.

I just watched Casablanca on TMC yesterday.

Kacberry, it was the first thing that jumped out at me too. I didn't even really read much of the rest of the review. So far here I have only ever read the Mad Men and Dexter reviews, and I've been reading them here for about two years.

So you are saying that only liberals can recognize the difference between getting grabby, sex, and rape? Conservatives don't know what rape is?

Yes but Deb has a moral center that I think is lacking in almost everyone else on the show. I don't relish the idea of them suddenly pretending that's not there. I know she's expressed vigilante-positive thoughts this season, but she never did before that I can recall. I feel like she's done it this year only

I agree robin - especially after Lithgow who was truly terrifying. Actually I think it's a bit disappointing that Lumen couldn't have kicked his ass at least a little bit. If she is back for next season Dexter needs to train her to fight, not just kill.

I would love it if they kept Lumen, but I just assume that STiles signed for one season only. I will be happily surprised if she's comes back for next season.