
"He doesn't know how to cope with it and consequently does the worst thing possible: He gets grabby. Lori gives him a vicious shove-off before things get too ugly, but getting physical leads him to piss away any remaining goodwill from his actions up until Rick's return."

I don't think she's going to die. I think they foreshadowed what they're going to do with her when Dexter told her she should leave because things are getting too dangerous.

'I think there is the real possibility that Deb finds out about Dexter/Lumen and sides with him rather than the law. "

"What's shocking to me is just how much "Hop A Freighter" feels like a placeholder episode, especially this late in the game"

I'm definitely going to go see this then. I wasn't sure, the previews make it very difficult to discern if this is good or a complete idiotic waste of time.

Most guys who watch porn are jerking off to rape scenes. Did I think he was a dick for writing that? Yeah. But it's not at all surprising or shocking that none of the other posters (mostly men) were bothered by it.

That's really simple, and in fact your post presents a great counter-point to the complaints of many that the voice overs "point out the obvious".

@ James, no I haven't but thanks for the link that looks like an amazing film.

I really work to keep my idealogy out of these discussions because I don't want to ruin the discussion of a fun show, but this post is really a "WTF" moment.

@ UMD - yep, Hall and Stiles obviously have a lot of chemistry. They have really made this work.

A lot of us already knew it was that horrible. You should read the earlier comments and reviews.

YEah that was really stupid, as well as untrue. People have survived prolonged torture for much longer than Lumen was held. I've read interviews with survivors. It's true they say they are never the same, and they do have life-long PTSD issues, but, to say there is no coming back implies there's no life after, and

No, they are definitely depicting the evolution of Dexter. Rita was some sort of half-way point. Lumen he has fallen in love with. This is an evolution that many of the young male fans didn't want, since they thrill to the idea of a full-fledged socipathic Dexter to live out their own fanboy fantasies. I am

I do think that Deb is going to find out about Lumen and Deb is going to let her escape. And Dexter is going to have to stay because he has a baby. I wasn't sure where this relationship was going, but now this somehow seems inevitable. Dex is certainly not going to kill her, and I think the audience is far too

How does it give us an idea of how he came to be this way? It didn't do that for me at all. It left me more confused.

To me, she doesn't come off as nice at all. She comes off as a sneering, self-righteous, privileged, entitled brat, who actually believed she was entitled to win this talent contest, not because she has any talent but because some people don't like her or her mother.

I couldn't disagree more, and the people I know who are fans of this show all like this season better than the last couple. Julia Stiles has rocked the part, and this is a great season. I don't think you hold a majority view here, but we'll see.

But then your mother would be out of a job.

Amazing isn't it?

The actress who plays her is so awful. I am shocked about this because she's obviously going to be a huge part of the series. How could they have made such a casting error?